Why am I a Diabetic? – Dr. Jonathan Spages
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Thank you. Dr Jonathan Spages has really helped me reverse my diabetes and feel my best.
Love your information about diabetes and losing weight. Ever since I hit 50 its been a real struggle. Dr Spages knows his stuff!
I have friends suffering from type 2 diabetes I will definitely share this post with them.
Yes please feel free to share it with friends that need help.
Very informative blog about Losing weight.
Interesting blog about reversin diabetes.
I really need to read a lot on how to reverse Type 2 Diabetes.
Very helpful blog about reversing type 2 Diabetes.
Thank you DR. Spages this really help me reverse my Type 2 Diabetes.
Very helpful like me that has type 2 diabetes.
Hopefully I can reverse my Type 2 diabetes.
Drugs make you feel so bad. I really need to learn more about reversing type 2 diabetes.
Yes, the side effects of prescription drugs are no fun.
After reading your blog I am hopeful about reversing type 2 diabetes.
I’m glad!
There is a lot of hidden gems about reversing type 2 diabetes on this blog. Awesome.
Good post. I am sending to my aunt who is a diabetic.
This is the most interesting article about diabetes
Thank you. Be sure to check Dr Spages articles about reversing diabetes.
I wish I met Dr Spages years ago.
Thank you Dr. Spages for helping me reverse my Type 2 Diabetes.
This helps me lose my weight and reverse my type 2 Diabetes. thanks Dr. Spages.
This gives me more information about type 2 Diabetes. thanks Dr. Spages!
Now I know why I am diabetic.
Thank you Dr. Spages.
It’s kinda sad Dr Spages having this illness this is the best way I’m able to learn things lol
Glad you learn now Aleyah 😉
Thanks for these free answers Doc. your blog is so significant to many I’ll share it on my social media too this will be a great guide to my friends and family.
Please do! Thanks.
The way you discussed diabetes with ease and completeness is really amazing. Thanks for this information! I’ll recommend this article to my friends who have diabetes.
That would be great Nate:)
Now I know what causes high sugar readings.
Wow! Love to know that you know the causes of high sugar readings.
Dr. Jonathan Spages helped me reverse my type II diabetes.
After reading This Blog now i know how to reverse my Type 2 Diabetes.
Ask yourself why you have type 2 diabetes.
I’ve never known why I have type 2 diabetes. I am very careful with my food and everything.
We can only know if we have type 2 diabetes through our body.
I know Jing because me too feel also
Never ask why you have type 2 diabetes because your the one who control your food which possibly there is more sugar on it.
I eat food with lots of sugar that’s why I have type 2 diabetes now.
Before I don’t know why I have type 2 diabetes until I read Dr. Spages article.
Ask yourself why you have type 2 diabetes now and consult Dr. Spages as soon as possible to avoid complications.
The practical of reversing type 2 diabetes.
I have type 2 diabetes because of my sugary food.
Dr. Spages explain why they have type 2 diabetes.
If you have type 2 diabetes be responsible for your disease.
I am beining to make the connections and it’s all make freaking sense , my chilldhood was felled with self hatred and my father really treated me like garbage this started to manifest as i was in highschool hating to study over stressing my self with studying I completely regected studying i felt helpless guilty my parents keept on stressing me out about school then i got it afterwards it keept getting worse the feelings of helplessness being out of control not being able to make a fucking decision due to the way i was treated it keep it on and on and on its all makefucking sense i know it in my heart there is alot of truma from the past … any how it was a door for me to explore the so called spiritual metaphysical world so many strange experiences so so so so many stress i even over stressed my self with all this informations and experiences and I kept wondering why why why nothing works tomake me at ease the mental nd emotionalsress correlates perfectely with my physical condition .. as I began to relase control to let goto love myself more and trying to heal my past trumas my diabetes got into control I still struggle but wow now i feel so much relase from that overly havey stress and karma the mean things that I struggle with wich includes ( stress ; helplessness; not trusting anyone; inner conflict ; and not being able tofind a job also some feelings of rejection and loneliness patterns still there manifesting in sooo many different ways but much more less and my health is much more better now i am starting to see and recognizing more and more i am seeing i am anempath also and it’s freaking crazy i think it’s all true my physical illness has something totell me to guide me …. this is for all the people out there struggling with any kind of a disease you can get better you can even be healed just take it easy step by step.
It’s okay you’ll get through it
Dr. Spages explain why a patient with type 2 diabetes has this kind of disease.
Dr. Jonathan Spage’sadvice how to have weight loss easily
Omg omg I was just having a discussion about diabetes with a friend of mine and this blog ???? came in handy ????????????????
That’s great!
Dr Jonathan Spages I’m scared because I don’t know if I have diabetes or not because I’m feeling tired more often and my sometimes I can’t focus with my eyes and I also have something else which I don’t want to say, but I just feel that I have it or not.
If that’s the case go to your Doctor now Ensley 🙂
Weight loss is my favorite part on reversing type 2 diabetes
I’m in the process of being tested for diabetes and only really display 2 of the 4 main symptoms. My vision does blur sometimes but more often it’s a shaking sensation (if that makes sense) I’m quite scared of what the results are going to be tbh.
Hi there. Thank you for your comment. We’re sorry to hear of your concerns. If you feel like you need further support or would like to speak to someone, we are here to help.
My daughter experienced stomach ache when she was first diabetic (type 1) also lost colour in her skin she looked pale a bit grey. We had no idea but once told she was diagnosed as diabetic we could see the symptoms and indicators were all there. When we saw the doctor he said go straight to hospital. She has coped really well with it since she was twelve and is now twenty-three and doing really well.
Glad to know that she’s fine now.
This is what I always ask to myself “how can I get rid of this diabetes when I have a family history of this illness”? it’s a relief that Dr. Jonathan Spages can reverse type 2 diabetes.
Thanks for the trust Waylon 🙂
I’ve got symptoms but I’m a healthy weight active no family history. Thanks to Dr. Jonathan Spages for the wide information about diabetes. Maybe it’s not bad after all to call my Dr. about what I’m feeling right now.
You’re fine. It would be really unlikely if you got it, even if you ate a lot of sugar cause of your good family history and weight.
All the answers to my question “why” has been answered. Thank you very much for the wide explanation in why I am diabetic.
Glad that you know now 🙂
This is a big help as I am a type 2 diabetes patient.
He always explains why people has type 2 diabetes.
I have type 2 diabetes because I eat food with lots of sugar.
Always know some possible reason how to reverse type 2 diabetes.
Thank you for sharing this video about type 2 diabetes.
According to Dr. Spage’s weight loss is very important to reverse type 2 diabetes.
I need to have a diet plan to prevent type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Spages explain the cause of type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Spage’s explain to his patient why type 2 diabetes came from.
VERY GREAT ???? Super … informative channel. I really appreciate you Dr. Spages for bringing back happiness to my life again. thank you so much, friends join me to thank him for what he has actually done for me I pray to you all for a good life and good health, and most especially to you Dr.Spages
Continue to watch my videos and learn more 🙂
I love your videos, this channel is so underrated.. Keep it up ❤️ Love the illustrations. Informative. Thank you for taking the time to share. I’m scared because I don’t know if I have diabetes or not but thankful to have Advanced knowledge about it! Thanks, Dr. Spages 🙂
Thank you! that was a really good video this diabetes got me down ???? any support information is greatly appreciated ???????? Thanks for taking your time educating people about diabetes what was put forward makes sense to someone who is insulin-dependent!
Always welcome! Please share on social media. Help is appreciated to spread the word to more patients struggling with diabetes 🙂
I like Dr. Spage’s approach to reversing type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Spages explain to his patient the common cause of type 2 diabetes.
This answers my question about how did I became diabetic, thus I’m at ease that there is someone like you willing to help me so much in this burden I’m carrying.
Hope you follow my tips very well Isabella 🙂
I am feeling down Dr. Jonathan Spages knowing that my family has a background in diabetes, and a little too scared about what if I have the same illness as well as my mom.
Poor lifestyle, poor diet & no exercise can lead to diabetes.
Healthy eating, weight loss, and more exercise can help reverse type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Jonathan Spage’s is always there to help when you like to reverse type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is good in reversing type 2 diabetes
Dr.Spage’s explain the possible reason why you have type 2 diabetes
Dr. Spages always explain the possible cause of type 2 diabetes.
Spinach rolls belong to the healthy list with type 2 diabetes lunch ideas.
If you wonder you have type 2 diabetes, Dr. Spages is here to always explain.
Nowadays we can reverse type 2 diabetes.
In managing type 2 diabetes, regular physical activity is important and a guide ith a specialist doctor.
Dr. Spages explain the possible causes of type 2 diabetes.
You should know why you have type 2 diabetes
Can you help me please?! This month I’ve eaten a lot of food that contains sugar. I don’t have a eating “plan”, i eat when I’m hungry. I’m thirsty and I go to the toilet like 5 times per day. I don’t do any exercises but i dance. I’m not lazy. Can i possibly have diabetes?
Thanks for watching! Dancing certainly counts as exercise. Have you considered checking in with your doctor?
Glad I don’t have this illness, my mom and dad did very well to keep me healthy. Though this information is so useful and Doctor. Jonathan Spages is so amazing helping us all about diabetes.
Your bless to have your Mom and Dad to keep you 🙂
Dr. Spage’s always explains why you have type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Jonathan Spage’s is here to help you become successful in your weight loss diet
Be sure to eat healthy food when you are in your weight loss diet
I will read more article on Dr. Spage’s always share for all that has type 2 diabetes
Diet is the best and effective way to manage type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Jonathan Spage’s always explains the possible causes of type 2 diabetes
I always wonder why I have type 2 diabetes
Be sure to know yourself the possible reason why you have type 2 diabetes
Do you know why you have type 2 diabetes?
Why am I a Diabetic? – Dr. Jonathan Spages is a hereditary illness and everybody should take care of themselves the important medicine, is to stay away from foods that are not good for diabetics.
Indeed very well said Hosea Jack 🙂
Dr. Spage’s know sone possible causes of type 2 diabetes
Dr.Spages is explaining to all his patient the possible cause of type 2 diabetes
There are many possible causes of type 2 diabetes
I like to learn valuable information about type 2 diabetes in this article.
I am thankful that I reverse my type 2 diabetes immediately
I always read Dr. Spage’s article to know more information on reversing type 2 diabetes
Dr. Spage’s always explain the possible causes of type 2 diabetes
This article would help to identify if you are diabetic or not.
Thank you 🙂
Be sure to know why you have type 2 diabetes
Be sure to know the causes of type 2 diabetes
If you have type 2 diabetes be responsible for your disease.
Ask yourself why you have type 2 diabetes now and consult Dr. Spages as soon as possible to avoid complications.
Before I don’t know why I have type 2 diabetes until I read Dr. Spages article.
Before I don’t know why I have type 2 diabetes until I read Dr. Spages article.
I eat food with lots of sugar that’s why I have type 2 diabetes now.
There is a lot of hidden gems about reversing type 2 diabetes on this blog. Awesome.
Drugs make you feel so bad. I really need to learn more about reversing type 2 diabetes.
Living life to the fullest option was all I ever wanted thank you Dr. Jonathan Spages for making that come through he gave me hope when I was lost all thanks to Dr. Jonathan Spages
I’m happy to help Quinton.
I always read Dr. Spage’s article to know more information on reversing type 2 diabetes
If you have type 2 diabetes be responsible for your disease.
Ask yourself why you have type 2 diabetes now and consult Dr. Spages as soon as possible to avoid complications.
Before I don’t know why I have type 2 diabetes until I read Dr. Spages article.
Before I don’t know why I have type 2 diabetes until I read Dr. Spages article.
I eat food with lots of sugar that’s why I have type 2 diabetes now.
Drugs make you feel so bad. I really need to learn more about reversing type 2 diabetes.
I always read Dr. Spage’s article to know more information on reversing type 2 diabetes
Dr. Spage’s always explain the possible causes of type 2 diabetes
I eat food with lots of sugar that’s why I have type 2 diabetes now.
I will read more article on Dr. Spage’s always share for all that has type 2 diabetes
Diet is the best and effective way to manage type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Jonathan Spage’s always explains the possible causes of type 2 diabetes
Be sure to know yourself the possible reason why you have type 2 diabetes
Dr. Spage’s know sone possible causes of type 2 diabetes
There are many possible causes of type 2 diabetes
Dr.Spages is explaining to all his patient the possible cause of type 2 diabetes
I need to have a diet plan to prevent type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Spages explain the cause of type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Jonathan Spages advice how to have weight loss easily.
Weight loss is my favorite part on reversing type 2 diabetes
Now there’s an answer for me how did I get my diabetes. Dr. Jonathan Spages explain very well how everything going on. Thanks Doctor.
Anytime Elizabeth:)
You gave the best answer to me Dr. Jonathan Spages thanks for sharing the information.
You’re welcome 🙂