What causes Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes – Symptoms and Causes

If I’m ever asked the question more often than not is, well, what is causing my diet of use? What could it be? Could it be genetics? Could it be my diet? Give me the special diet.

Maybe it’s exercise. Or, hey, maybe it was designed to be that way. Or maybe when I ate something in college many years ago, it was what did it. Or I think maybe my diet is off, or something is off. Well, let me get down to the real root of what causes diabetes, because I know this is a common topic in type two diabetes.

There’s so much information out there. There’s so much data out there about what to do. So many different diets. So in this video, I’m going to actually show you what causes diabetes. I’ve helped thousands of diabetics become no longer diabetic, so there’s got to be something to it.

So in this video, a lot of information. Hang on. I’m going to share my screen, and we’re going to get into it. So you really have a good understanding of what causes diabetes, why diabetes is a major issue, and also why most people don’t get better as being a type two diabetic. All right, so here we go.

Hang on.

Okay, so we look at diabetes. Well, what exactly causes diabetes? Well, the first thing we look at is, well, what is diabetes? So if diabetes, believe it or not, is actually a symptom, right? When a person becomes a type two diabetic, well, what we’re really seeing is we’re seeing that the blood sugar levels are going up and the body can’t sustain it at a normal level.

Obviously, there is a thing out there called prediabetes, which, as you know, I don’t necessarily agree with. If you’ve seen any of my videos, we don’t want to get into that in this video. But we have to understand more about diabetes. So the first thing we look at is glucose levels. So glucose should be between 85 and 99.

Now, ideally, if it’s in that range and your A one C is under 5.7, you’re not a diabetic. Your body is functioning well. Things are going really well. However, when it actually goes higher than 126 for your blood sugar and your a one C goes over 65, that’s actually telling us, hey, something is wrong. Now, they label you as a type two diabetic, and typically, this is where the medications start.

But the question is also, well, let’s understand more about diabetes. Are there different types of diabetics? Well, the answer is absolutely. Let’s go through each one. The first one we look at is type one, which used to be called juvenile onset.

That was like a phrase back in the day, but it’s actually an autoimmune condition. This is where the body attacks the pancreas or it could be something genetic predisposition right. The baby was born, the pancreas didn’t come out the correct way, and it doesn’t function the right way. And that’s type one. There is something called A 1.5.

This is where usually you’ll see two different mechanisms together. You see the autoimmune component in the body, and then you also see the metabolic component. And in my opinion, and doing this thousands of times, these are the toughest cases because it’s not like we’re just going after a metabolic disease. We’re also going after and trying to get the body back to balance on autoimmune. Many of you know, I’m autoimmune myself, so I’m very familiar with this topic.

The next one, which is the most common, is type two diabetes. Type two diabetes is the metabolic system being broken. This is where you have insulin resistance. The body is just not functioning the way it should be, and it’s obviously really important that you have that balanced out. And then the next one is neurodegenerative.

So this is where they’re linking being a diabetic or having blood sugar problems into the neurological disorders, right. Your Alzheimer’s, your dementia or things like that have been linked to a blood sugar problem. That’s what the research is suggesting. Right. So you got to take diabetes, obviously real serious because no one wants any of these major complications outside the ones we know about the heart attack and the stroke and as well as amputations government.

So anyway, let’s talk about, well, what causes diabetes. Simply put, it’s actually the body out of balance. So someone’s like, well, what’s the one thing that diabetics basically share in common as a type two diabetic is that something is out of balance. Right? The body, in my opinion, is born to heal.

You have that ability to heal. But if something’s out of balance, it makes it really hard, if not impossible, to actually heal. So the thing that’s tricky is that there’s no one size fits all. And the reason for that is because each person, person is an individual is different. Okay?

Meaning that there are some people that they’re diabetic for one reason, and then another person who may be related to them is diabetic for a completely different reason. So we got to really look at the bigger picture. So when we look at your diabetes, it’s really kind of like an iceberg. Now, the way you understand an iceberg is you could see the top of.

Of an iceberg, right? If you’re there with a boat, you could drive by the iceberg or whatever. Boat by the iceberg, and you can see that there’s this big, huge iceberg sticking out. And then if you had scuba gear or submarine and you went under the iceberg, you would see it’s a lot larger than the top. So when most people are aware of what’s on the top of the iceberg, right, they see their diabetes.

They know that they have blood pressure issues. Sometimes they see that they have weight struggles, maybe also they have lower energy, maybe even neuropathy, and they’re starting to get complications. And this is what usually sits on top of diabetes. So what happens is people go to their doctor for these things, diabetes. They take a medication.

Blood pressure, same thing. The weight struggles. They tried the gym, they tried to diet, low energy. They tried caffeine, stimulants, whatever. Neuropathy.

There’s different things out there. But this is just the surface, right? Including other complications, such as heart attack. Now, you could go and treat the surface, right? Put bandaids on each of these things.

And honestly, I don’t think that really gets anywhere, because that’s not even the problem. The problem is the bottom of the iceberg. And this is what I found after running really comprehensive labs on patients of what’s really going on. Well, number one, you can have an infection. It’s not uncommon in my office that I’ll run a special test, and I will see that a person is riddled with infections.

Now, let me tell you, if you have infections in your body, it is really hard, depending on what it is, to do a few things. One is lose weight. Number two is regulate blood sugar levels, because if you eat the wrong food, you’re going to be feeding these critters that are in your body, these infections. It’s also really hard to lose weight and get the metabolism going. And then also, sometimes when the biome and the gut isn’t good, you also have cravings.

Your body is like ridiculously craving things that you know you shouldn’t be eating. So that’s one thing. The next thing we look at is how the body functions with stress. So we have these adrenal glands that sometimes go out of balance. And there are eight different ways that the adrenal glands go out of balance.

Really, really important because you want to identify if your body can’t handle stress. So if you get stressed out, does your blood sugar levels go up? Does it actually cause an issue there? We look at mold toxicity. Some people live in an area where there’s mold, and they’ve had exposure to mold, and those spores stay in the body.

We look at the liver, the liver being a major quarterback to the actual physiology of the body. There’s no way you can reverse diabetes and get your body in order. If your liver is not functioning correctly, like, it is so vital to be able to function correctly. If your liver or if your liver is not working, you need to have that liver working in order to be well. Now, I’ve done this tens of thousands of times.

I’ve never seen a proper functioning liver in a type two diabetic. Now, let me explain what I mean. I’m not saying that the liver is full bone disease. I’m saying it’s just not functioning well. So an analogy is like a tire.

You want the tire in your car fully inflated. You want the air to be exactly where it should be so the car drives better and everything works good. But what if it was partially deflated? Well, it wouldn’t be working correctly and obviously that would create a problem. So that’s exactly my point.

My point is, yeah, maybe your liver isn’t fully deflated, but it doesn’t mean it is fully where it should be. And obviously that could affect your ability to get yourself well. The next thing we look at is toxins. There’s toxins all over the body. And we live in a very toxic world, right?

We live in a world where there’s a lot of things in our water, our air supply, it’s just bombarded with all different types of toxins. So this is also really important to make sure that your body doesn’t get exposure to these things. The next thing we look at is your thyroid. Now, there are eleven different tests with thyroid. The thyroid needs to be functioning well and it needs to be within the ranges that are actually functional.

When you look at thyroid ranges in lamps, those are not the healthy ranges. Those are just average ranges. You really need to identify the healthy ranges in order to get that back to balance. I’ll tell you this because I have a thyroid condition myself. It is really hard to get the thyroid working if the liver is not good, because the thyroid hormones convert in the liver.

The majority of them do convert in the liver. So if the liver is not well, it’s almost like the thyroid really doesn’t have a chance to work because they all need to be working together. The next thing we look at is inflammation. Now, most people know that diabetes is an inflammatory disease. What does that mean?

That means the body is dying and destroying itself at a rapid rate. Not good. And this is one of the things that probably frustrates me the most after doing this for so many years with so many patients. Diabetes is a known inflammatory disease, but most doctors, insurance companies don’t even run the test to look at the inflammation. And I’m like, if you’re going to run into a house that’s on fire, you should probably know how big the.

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4 thoughts on “What causes Diabetes

  1. Cassandra Richards says:

    I agree with everything you are saying. They don’t check for underlying reasons. When they draw your blood, they should run all of these tests.

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Dr Jonathan Spages

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