Top Diabetes Doctor Reveals The Diet Secrets You Need To Get Diabetes-free Naturally... Even If You Believe It's in your Genes !
Enter your best email below and I’ll send you a FREE copy of my new Ebook “The Simple Diabetic Diet – The simple diet to living Diabetes-Free!“

Dr Jonathan Spages
As seen on

Years Of Experience
Exclusive Ebook Reveals The Diet Secrets to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes. Naturally.
Here’s a taste of what you get in The Simple Diabetic Diet:
How to radically improve your diabetes without medication:
- 6 Top foods to eat for results
- Worst foods to eat at all costs
- 8 Top Remedies that show significant improvement quickly
- Hidden ingredients that could hurt your blood sugar numbers
Claim Your Free Copy Today!
About Dr Spages
You may be wondering a little about who I am and why this is the most important page you’ll ever visit as a diabetic..
Let me tell you a quick story about my grandmother who had type 2 diabetes and followed everything her doctors told her she had to do, took meds, followed a diet, etc. and still got worse. She died before I graduated high school. This made me make the decision that if I ever found a way to help somebody I would do whatever it takes to help them.
At the time I was trying to understand why after following the doctors advice, taking all the medications she was not getting better. I just wanted her to get better. The doctors were supposed to make her better. But she was getting worse..
I was struggling with helplessness and confusion on what to do to make my granny well again. Even my parents didn’t know what to do.
And I was getting more and more frustrated and scared seeing her become so frail and weak, her hands trembling all the time. I still remember her pale face.Â
Then the bottom fell out from under me when my grandmother had multiple heart attacks and I lost her forever.Â

That’s when I decided that I will do whatever it takes to help people live healthily and that’s when I decided to become a doctor. But to my disappointment, what I was taught in medical school was the same old drug company sponsored education that killed my grandmother. .
As you can imagine, I was in bad shape and desperate, but I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream of not seeing people suffer needlessly.
Then I discovered Functional Medicine.
At that point, everything changed!
I discovered / finally figured out how to:
- Find the root cause of diabetes and weight struggles and fix it.
- Run the correct tests that pinpoint exactly what was wrong with the body
- Find the correct natural supplements to help anybody.
Because I discovered Functional Medicine, I was able to:
- Truly help all my patients recover and lead a healthy life
- Reverse type 2 diabetes in thousands of patients
- Use my knowledge to make a huge difference in people's lives
Now I’m living my dream of not seeing people suffer needlessly and I never have to worry about losing my loved ones to Diabetes ever again.
And that’s why I’m so passionate / I’m telling you / I’m sharing with you about “The Simple Diabetic Diet” so you can experience not seeing people suffer needlessly too!