The Wellness Approach by Dr. Jonathan Spages

Get this awesome ebook! “A fascinating overview of how the body works … and how chiropractic can help achieve wellness naturally. Dr. Jonathan Spages manages to mix personal experience and professional expertise to create a volume that is both interesting and informative. The chapter on "Why Did I Get Sick" should be "must reading" for all people interested in living a better, healthier life.” Terry A. Rondberg, DC, President, The Chiropractic Journal; Founder and CEO, The World Chiropractic Alliance, author of "Chiropractic First." "Dr. Spages stepped to the plate and hit a Health Care Home Run. If you ever wondered why so many people are turning to Chiropractic care for health solutions, this book tells us why. A must read for the health conscious." Michael Boyd Executive Director Living Wellness “Nothing is more important than our health so why wait until your body breaks down and when it does it may be so severe that surgery is needed. Dr. Spages gives us a way to gain high energy and vitality something we all want so follow your innermost thoughts that you are feeling right know that says yes I want to feel GREAT and read 'The Wellness Approach' and make that commitment to your health ---now” Dr. Louis Leonardi Doctor and author of the book “Pre Surgical Care” “Dr. Jonathan Spages is dedicated and passionate about bringing the latest and best information to his patients. This book is no different. He discusses the fundamentals that are missing in average Americans life. He gives an easy to follow guide to getting healthy again, the way our bodies were designed. At a time when the health of our nation gets worse and worse, this books timing is perfect.” Drs. Tom and Stephanie Chaney Owners of Living Health Chiropractic and Functional Medicine, “The information Dr. Spages shares simplifies many questions and answers as to the true cause of dis-ease, anyone who values their health will enjoy this informative and inspiring book.” Dr. James Galgano D.C. Burlington Chiropractic, NJ Director, Pierce Results Seminars “When I first met Dr. Jonathan Spages, I had been chronically ill for years. I caught every cold and was effected by every seasonal allergy there was. I was fed up with every Doctor and medication I had tried since no one could diagnose me and no pill could cure me. I had tried it all and none of it worked! I was ready to go under the knife to repair a deviated septum; a procedure I was assured would stop my chronic illnesses. The only problem was I knew others who had the same operation but were still getting sick. It was then that Dr. Spages came into my life and applied the chiropractic method known as Pierce to my problems. Over a short period of time I began to heal. Now, it's a rare event to catch a cold and the debilitating symptoms of Allergies are a thing of the past. I never did get that operation. I never needed it. If your story sounds like mine then the wisdom that's in this book could be exactly what you've been searching for. Jay Trelease Radio and Television Broadcaster
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Dr Jonathan Spages

Expert in Reversing Diabetes

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