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IMPORTANT! In a few minutes, you’ll receive an email from GoToWebinar containing the special link you’ll be using to attend this private, live webinar event. It looks like this:

That email will include all the information you need to join our live event happening on (date and time) it’s important that you come a few minutes early because GoToWebinar can only handle a certain amount of attendees at once and they do it on a first

come first served basis.

What To Expect On This Webinar...

Here’s my promise to you — when it comes to [topic] you’re going to discover exactly how to [benefit 1], [benefit 2] and [benefit 3]. You will leave the webinar ready to [insert a solution]. That is my promise.


Don’t take my word for it. We’ve only ever done this webinar before for a small, VIP clientele and this is what they had to say…

I feel so blessed to have found Dr Spages. We met in December 2021, I found him through his seminars. His approach to wellness is easy to understand. Following the program is key. I feel like a new person. My diabetes type two is under control, my energy is up and my mindset is strong. I feel that he has educated me with great knowledge about my body and how to keep myself healthy. I love Caroline‘s videos and I watch them many times. I recommend to those who really want to put your Health first in life to take advantage and join this program. It is an education that I have received from him that has allowed me to be myself, to be happy to be healthy to be energetic, to look forward to every day and every moment of my life. join us.

Marilyn Finkelstein

I have been a diabetic for 20 plus years. I am a 66 year old woman who has been on a continuous diet for years without results☹️. I was very upset prior to finding Dr Spages, I was on mega doses of insulin and pills. My A1C was almost 10 and it had been as high as 11 in the past. Nothing seemed to help and I had been nauseous every morning for years. My first meeting with Dr. Spages I was more than skeptical! I was scared to put my trust in something that seemed so radical. I didn’t think I was worth the money as well! Well I started in March of 2022 and it’s almost July! I feel 💯 percent better. I found out with the test he ran I was in big trouble and If I continued down the same path, I wouldn’t be here for my family and dog, who mean the world to me. I’m not saying it’s easy, but what is in life that’s worth getting? Dr. Spages hand held me through the first few months. I’m capable of less handholding now but he’s only a text or call away. My A1C yesterday was 6.1❗ I haven’t been that low in years. My doses of medication have gone down considerably. I have energy and know that it’s going to get even better! I’m not near done but have hope that I’ll continue to heal. Thanks to Dr. Spages and his wonderful staff.❤️

Lisa Ellisjhkth

Very loving ! They care about your health and are working really hard to make sure you’re at your peak and that you’re feeling great! The staff is friendly and welcoming, they provide you with the correct information on what’s going on in your body and make sure you understand so that you and their team can work hard on improving your health.

Pierrecilia Simeon

Truly remarkable. Alternative medicine is definitely the way to go. Only after a month, I had lost 2 inches off my waist and hips. The diabetic symptoms I had been experiencing had also decreased. I highly recommend anyone with weight or diabetic issues.

Pearl Lee Rodgers

1st neuropathy treatment, less pressure, tingling ,and numbness in both feet! Not nearly the pain I had when I got here. Looking forward to the rest of my treatments with Dr. Spages!!!

Modesta Colon


“Since I started with Dr. Spages, I have been able to decrease my medications, sleep better, less headaches and my bloating decreased! I am so excited about my progress!”

Jodie (Type 2 Diabetic)

A "LIVE ONLY" Special Gift...

If you attend the whole webinar, at the end I’m giving away something for free that’s valuable and which people have previously paid a decent sum of money for. ONLY people who stay for the webinar will be able to get this extra special gift… so do what needs to be done so you can be there live!

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