Apply – Leads

Apply Form Leads

S.No. Name Email State Phone Have you been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes? What is your average fasting Blood sugar? What top 3 symptoms do you want to resolve? Have you attended Dr. Spages' Type II Diabetes webinar? What are your Top 3 Goals do you want help with? Date/Time
1 Heather Mackay [email protected] Florida 5614455508 Yes 130 -Get to root causes - be out of pain - feel hope of a future Yes -Get to root causes - be out of pain - feel hope of a future Jul 24, 2024 02:14 am
2 Donald G Gilbert [email protected] Ohio 4199061564 Yes 120 Weight loss, stabilize bs, mental health. No Weight loss, stabilize bs, mental health. Jul 22, 2024 07:02 pm
3 Lynn T Schwedes [email protected] Florida 3865479222 Yes Not sure Low my sugar number to acceptable range, currently 6.2 Check for and remedie any other active impacts diabetes has caused to my body Guideness to lifestyle change necessary to maintain good health No Low my sugar number to acceptable range, currently 6.2 Check for and remedie any other active impacts diabetes has caused to my body Guideness to lifestyle change necessary to maintain good health Jul 18, 2024 06:34 pm
4 Ellen Elizabeth Burpee Coleman [email protected] Georgia 4796961007 Yes 170 A1C, inflammation, and anxiety related to stress. Yes A1C, inflammation, and anxiety related to stress. Jul 14, 2024 01:42 am
5 Symmone Flagor [email protected] Florida 9048945247 Yes A1c is 8.5 that all I knew Get healthy, stay a live ,live longer Yes Get healthy, stay a live ,live longer Jul 11, 2024 10:17 am
6 Joannie Scott [email protected] Florida 3523177525 Yes 140 A1C, Weight, Energy, blood Sugar Yes A1C, Weight, Energy, blood Sugar Jul 10, 2024 04:21 am
7 Leon Sepulveda [email protected] Florida 1-787-674-4890 Yes 189 Maintain my Sugar levels as low as possible !! No Maintain my Sugar levels as low as possible !! Jul 01, 2024 02:14 am
8 Leon Sepulveda [email protected] Florida 1-787-674-4890 Yes 189 Maintain my Sugar levels as low as possible !! No Maintain my Sugar levels as low as possible !! Jul 01, 2024 02:14 am
9 Michele Burroughs [email protected] Virginia 4435280759 Yes 250 Get off of metformin, lantas and NovoLog and lisinopril No Get off of metformin, lantas and NovoLog and lisinopril Jun 30, 2024 11:44 pm
10 Roy Wiles [email protected] Virginia 4347995323 Yes 120 1 get my glucose to normal. 2. Get my body healthy 3 keep a normal glucose No 1 get my glucose to normal. 2. Get my body healthy 3 keep a normal glucose Jun 28, 2024 12:40 am
11 madhav [email protected] Florida +17273736240 Yes 120 hi Yes hi Jun 27, 2024 12:05 pm
12 Test [email protected] Florida 989080999 Yes 130 Yes Jun 25, 2024 12:48 pm
13 test [email protected] Florida 9999999999 Yes 120 hi Yes hi Jun 25, 2024 12:24 pm
14 test [email protected] Florida 55555555 Yes 43 444 Yes 444 Jun 25, 2024 10:25 am
15 test [email protected] Florida 98987879798 Yes test No Jun 25, 2024 09:00 am
16 test [email protected] Idaho 9999999999 Yes 120 hi Yes hi Jun 25, 2024 08:32 am
17 test [email protected] Florida 67576565 Yes 130 tedasxS Yes tedasxS Jun 25, 2024 06:50 am
18 Joao Dinis Joao [email protected] +201202596501 No 84% How to reverse pre- diabetic without medicine No How to reverse pre- diabetic without medicine Jun 20, 2024 08:22 pm
19 Willis Wilson [email protected] Florida 7278317056 Yes 120 Reverse Reverse part of the reverse population No Reverse Reverse part of the reverse population Jun 20, 2024 05:42 pm
20 Nancy Denmark [email protected] 9047167360 Yes 112 1. To have the bloodwork to see where my problem is in terms of each organ. 2. Doing what I need to do in order to get my A1C in a normal range 3. Through gaining this knowledge, living a healthier life. Yes 1. To have the bloodwork to see where my problem is in terms of each organ. 2. Doing what I need to do in order to get my A1C in a normal range 3. Through gaining this knowledge, living a healthier life. Jun 18, 2024 11:41 pm
21 Nancy Denmark [email protected] Florida 9047167360 Yes 112 Finding which of the four organs you discussed needs to be fixed. Having the full comprehensive bloodwork. My doctor will not test deeper for my thyroid. My mom has taken thyroid medication for years and with my numbers being borderline I would like to know if I have an issue. I was on Ozempic and did well for about four months with my A1C getting down to 6.0 from 6.5, but had a severe pancreatitis attack and cannot take it anymore. Yes Finding which of the four organs you discussed needs to be fixed. Having the full comprehensive bloodwork. My doctor will not test deeper for my thyroid. My mom has taken thyroid medication for years and with my numbers being borderline I would like to know if I have an issue. I was on Ozempic and did well for about four months with my A1C getting down to 6.0 from 6.5, but had a severe pancreatitis attack and cannot take it anymore. Jun 18, 2024 11:31 pm
22 Jonathan Spages [email protected] Florida 7272169634 Yes 100 weight loss Yes weight loss Jun 18, 2024 03:10 pm
23 David Flynn [email protected] Florida 8609667192 Yes 160 Affects of diabetes. Coping. Diet & exercise Yes Affects of diabetes. Coping. Diet & exercise Jun 18, 2024 01:33 pm
24 Robin Phillips [email protected] Florida 7275034694 Yes 120 -130 Eat healthier Reversing diabetes Maintaining my goals Yes Eat healthier Reversing diabetes Maintaining my goals Jun 18, 2024 12:11 pm
25 Terry Lampkin [email protected] 40772116915 Yes 5 Losing weight Yes Losing weight Jun 18, 2024 12:07 pm
26 test [email protected] Florida 9999999999 Yes 120 hi Yes hi Jun 17, 2024 04:20 am
27 test [email protected] Alaska 999888998 Yes 34 44 Yes 44 Jun 05, 2024 01:14 pm
28 test [email protected] Alaska 990009909 Yes 33 444 Yes 444 Jun 05, 2024 10:18 am
29 SALLIE [email protected] Florida 954-200-530 Yes 278 lower my a1c levels or eliminate diabetes all together No lower my a1c levels or eliminate diabetes all together May 30, 2024 01:52 pm
30 Robert R. Lardizabal [email protected] 7723423308 Yes 147 1. Normal A1C 2. Stop taking Insulin 3. Live a healthy and stable (medical ) life No 1. Normal A1C 2. Stop taking Insulin 3. Live a healthy and stable (medical ) life May 29, 2024 12:22 pm
31 test [email protected] Alabama 88899988898 Yes 34 34 Yes 34 May 28, 2024 02:23 am
32 madhav [email protected] Iowa 9999999999 Yes 120 test Yes test May 27, 2024 10:37 am
33 Jana Jeansonne [email protected] Florida 5612126022 No High Insulin resistance, crp is 9+! and liver cyst No Insulin resistance, crp is 9+! and liver cyst May 24, 2024 07:54 pm
34 George Patterson [email protected] Florida 352-266-2700 Yes 6.7 I would like to heal my diabetes so that I am not taking the drugs I take daily. Yes I would like to heal my diabetes so that I am not taking the drugs I take daily. May 24, 2024 03:25 pm
35 test [email protected] Florida 9999999999 Yes test test Yes test May 24, 2024 06:30 am
36 test [email protected] Florida 9999999999 Yes test test Yes test May 24, 2024 06:25 am
37 Irasema “CB” Campano [email protected] Florida 8632558668 Yes 151 1) Reverse diabetes. 2) Lose weight! 3) Gain energy and QOL! Yes 1) Reverse diabetes. 2) Lose weight! 3) Gain energy and QOL! May 24, 2024 05:48 am
38 Kenneth Koegler [email protected] Florida 7326729650 Yes 179 to lower my blood sugar permanently No to lower my blood sugar permanently May 22, 2024 10:30 pm
39 Kerrie Spinrad [email protected] Florida 8023452201 Yes 257 1. Stop with the bandaids..find the cause, fix it! 2. Sick of failing. I want to get healthy. 3. I want to live before I die. No 1. Stop with the bandaids..find the cause, fix it! 2. Sick of failing. I want to get healthy. 3. I want to live before I die. May 20, 2024 03:07 am
40 madhav [email protected] Idaho 9999999999 Yes 120 test Yes test May 14, 2024 10:43 am
41 madhav2 [email protected] Idaho 9999999999 Yes 120 test Yes test May 14, 2024 08:24 am
42 Terri Lanius [email protected] Florida 8636400144 Yes 202 Reversing my disease, an losing weight. No Reversing my disease, an losing weight. Apr 26, 2024 04:57 pm
43 test [email protected] Arizona 9999999999 Yes 120 hi Yes hi Apr 23, 2024 11:42 am
44 test [email protected] Alaska 9999999999 Yes 120 check Yes check Apr 23, 2024 11:41 am
45 test [email protected] Hawaii 9999999999 Yes 120 check Yes check Apr 23, 2024 06:41 am
46 test [email protected] Iowa 9999999999 Yes 120 check Yes check Apr 23, 2024 06:36 am
47 test [email protected] Kentucky 9999999999 Yes 120 hi Yes hi Apr 23, 2024 06:30 am
48 Marie Etienne [email protected] Florida 6463997560 No 118 I am pre diabetics would like not to come Diabetic one day by educate myself . No I am pre diabetics would like not to come Diabetic one day by educate myself . Apr 22, 2024 10:19 pm
49 Clyde Burrage [email protected] Ohio 2169058883 Yes I don't know My A1C is 5.3 so I c don't check it To get rid of my diabetes No To get rid of my diabetes Apr 19, 2024 02:23 pm
50 Deborah Hendrix [email protected] Florida 9047077476 Yes 180 Lower daily blood sugar down via daily average without fasting 250 to 300+ . Not feel so tired and maintain daily energy levels. No Lower daily blood sugar down via daily average without fasting 250 to 300+ . Not feel so tired and maintain daily energy levels. Apr 16, 2024 10:07 pm
51 Willis [email protected] Florida 7278317056 Yes No c Brain n neuropathy to feet n hip eyes with elevated b/o at Largo Medical center 202/110 I’m concerned Hungary at nights No Brain n neuropathy to feet n hip eyes with elevated b/o at Largo Medical center 202/110 I’m concerned Hungary at nights Apr 16, 2024 04:35 pm
52 James Vosler [email protected] Florida 8137167213 Yes 165 Find out what to fix Fix it Maintain it Yes Find out what to fix Fix it Maintain it Apr 14, 2024 03:59 am
53 Ben Dunham [email protected] Florida 727-510-6635 Yes 150 To handle my type 2 diabetes due to iron overload due to multiple blood transfusions Yes To handle my type 2 diabetes due to iron overload due to multiple blood transfusions Apr 12, 2024 12:40 pm
54 Phillip mcgee [email protected] Alabama 2515919652 Yes 102 Get off meds Put out all fires Restore vision to before becoming diabetic Yes Get off meds Put out all fires Restore vision to before becoming diabetic Apr 12, 2024 01:40 am
55 Regina Cameron [email protected] Florida 954 553 4431 Yes High 6 - 7 I would like to get off of medication Control weight Be healthy Yes I would like to get off of medication Control weight Be healthy Apr 11, 2024 09:18 pm
56 James Vosler [email protected] Florida 8137167213 Yes 185 No Apr 11, 2024 05:07 pm
57 James Vosler [email protected] Florida 8137167213 Yes 185 No Apr 11, 2024 05:07 pm
58 Phillip Mcgee [email protected] Alabama 2515919955 Yes 103 Get off meds Put out fires Restore vision to before diabetic state Yes Get off meds Put out fires Restore vision to before diabetic state Apr 11, 2024 10:50 am
59 JOSE CINTRON [email protected] Florida 7867780409 Yes 125 Get off medicines, lose weight(245lbs/5'8") and better wealth overall... take care of my wife (cancer gene). Yes Get off medicines, lose weight(245lbs/5'8") and better wealth overall... take care of my wife (cancer gene). Apr 10, 2024 11:33 pm
60 Maureen Ann Colascione [email protected] New York 5165062933 Yes 120 reverse diabetes lose weight more energy Yes reverse diabetes lose weight more energy Apr 10, 2024 10:54 pm
61 Maureen Ann Colascione [email protected] New York 5165062933 Yes 120 reverse diabetes lose weight more energy Yes reverse diabetes lose weight more energy Apr 10, 2024 10:47 pm
62 test [email protected] Kansas 9999999999 Yes 120 test Yes test Apr 09, 2024 11:22 am
63 test [email protected] Kentucky 9999999999 Yes 100 test Yes test Apr 09, 2024 09:24 am
64 test [email protected] Florida 9999999999 Yes 100 test Yes test Apr 09, 2024 09:10 am
65 test [email protected] Alabama 888999889 Yes 123 3dx Yes 3dx Apr 04, 2024 08:03 am
66 Janet Reinmund [email protected] Florida 8325159966 Yes 150/200 Lose weight Lose Diabetes Feel better No Lose weight Lose Diabetes Feel better Apr 03, 2024 05:35 pm
67 test [email protected] Indiana 9999999991 Yes 200 test Yes test Apr 03, 2024 12:11 pm
68 test [email protected] Alabama 9999999991 Yes 200 test Yes test Apr 03, 2024 12:09 pm
69 test apply [email protected] Kentucky 9999999990 Yes 200 Test1 Yes Test1 Apr 03, 2024 07:36 am
70 test [email protected] Iowa 9999999999 Yes check test Yes test Apr 02, 2024 05:21 am
71 Henrietta Netta [email protected] Florida 4078009715 Yes 279 Reverse diabetes Quality Food choice Off medications for good Yes Reverse diabetes Quality Food choice Off medications for good Apr 02, 2024 12:50 am
72 test [email protected] Florida 4654654446 Yes 100 11111 Yes 11111 Apr 01, 2024 07:28 pm
73 Rose Vinskus [email protected] Florida 3214319734 Yes Don’t know To live long enough to see my grand babies grow up to at least 18 To be able to feel better To be an example for others Yes To live long enough to see my grand babies grow up to at least 18 To be able to feel better To be an example for others Apr 01, 2024 07:02 pm
74 Jude Spear [email protected] Florida 6569002714 Yes 120 end my diabetes lose weight become healthier No end my diabetes lose weight become healthier Mar 30, 2024 02:50 pm
75 Edward [email protected] Florida 3054098982 Yes 135 Mainly find exactly which of the 4 main organ related to diabetes is deflated. Yes Mainly find exactly which of the 4 main organ related to diabetes is deflated. Mar 29, 2024 04:21 pm
76 Rosella Birnbaum [email protected] Florida 7164401771 Yes 180 Have normal blood sugar levels Find out how to heal my 3 organs Find out the best foods to eat for me ! Yes Have normal blood sugar levels Find out how to heal my 3 organs Find out the best foods to eat for me ! Mar 29, 2024 08:32 am
77 Gwen Northrup [email protected] Florida 9898593420 Yes 210 Getting better so I can get rid of my medications Losing some weight Understanding what to do, eat, exercise and help others Yes Getting better so I can get rid of my medications Losing some weight Understanding what to do, eat, exercise and help others Mar 28, 2024 05:23 pm
78 Dixie Drouant [email protected] Florida 7275046019 Yes 120 to 140 Reversing my type 2 diabetes, and overall improving my health and Mobility. Yes Reversing my type 2 diabetes, and overall improving my health and Mobility. Mar 27, 2024 02:00 am
79 Larry Depree [email protected] Florida 8502881912 Yes .6 I would like to lower my blood sugar 2nd I would love to go back to normal, 3rd I would love to help and motivate others with diabetes to get the proper help though someone that's truly passionate about helping others. Yes I would like to lower my blood sugar 2nd I would love to go back to normal, 3rd I would love to help and motivate others with diabetes to get the proper help though someone that's truly passionate about helping others. Mar 27, 2024 01:01 am
80 Paul Baumgart [email protected] Florida 9545368691 Yes 165 Get off meds and insulin, lose weight Yes Get off meds and insulin, lose weight Mar 26, 2024 11:39 pm
81 test [email protected] Alabama 9999999999 Yes 120 test Yes test Mar 26, 2024 10:53 am
82 Daniel Jenero [email protected] Illinois 18472800294 Yes 145 blood sugar A1C Yes blood sugar A1C Mar 19, 2024 03:55 pm
83 test [email protected] Alaska 9999999999 Yes 120 check Yes check Mar 19, 2024 10:13 am
84 test [email protected] Alabama 9999999999 Yes 120 test Yes test Mar 19, 2024 08:03 am
85 Carl Lesley Robertson [email protected] Florida 9044501870 Yes 120-150 Lose weight get my sugar levels down and feel good about myself again Yes Lose weight get my sugar levels down and feel good about myself again Mar 18, 2024 05:40 pm
86 Jonathan Spages [email protected] Florida 9739807887 Yes 1111 dfdffdfdg Yes dfdffdfdg Mar 15, 2024 02:38 pm
87 Jonathan Spages [email protected] Florida 9739807887 Yes 100 2222 Yes 2222 Mar 15, 2024 02:08 pm
88 Jonathan Spages [email protected] Florida 9739807887 Yes fgfgfggf bncvbcnbvc Yes bncvbcnbvc Mar 14, 2024 09:13 pm
89 test2 [email protected] Florida 9739807887 Yes 100 weight loss, meds Yes weight loss, meds Mar 14, 2024 06:57 pm
90 test [email protected] Illinois 9999999999 Yes test test Yes test Mar 14, 2024 01:48 pm
91 test [email protected] Kentucky 9999999999 Yes test hi Yes hi Mar 14, 2024 12:22 pm
92 test [email protected] Alaska 9999999999 Yes test Yes Mar 14, 2024 05:18 am
93 Sandra Moore [email protected] 5618438598 Yes 143 To be consistent with my diet Yes To be consistent with my diet Mar 09, 2024 01:27 pm
94 Myrna [email protected] Florida 718 310 0598 Yes 125 Want to get off the meds Want to find the root of the problems Want to feel better Yes Want to get off the meds Want to find the root of the problems Want to feel better Mar 08, 2024 07:59 pm
95 Myrna and Terrance (husband) [email protected] Florida 7183100598 Yes 125 Reverse Diabetes Stop the medications , find the root of the problem Yes Reverse Diabetes Stop the medications , find the root of the problem Mar 08, 2024 03:54 pm
96 Chanda Swartz [email protected] Michigan 9895298412 No dont know Balance Hormones Stress Relief Weight loss No Balance Hormones Stress Relief Weight loss Mar 06, 2024 06:49 pm
97 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 440 241 2780 Yes 126 Learn more about how we begin. Your seminar was very informative, and fascinating. My Oncolingist tells my I can't reverse my diabetes; after watching your presentation. I believe I can! Yes Learn more about how we begin. Your seminar was very informative, and fascinating. My Oncolingist tells my I can't reverse my diabetes; after watching your presentation. I believe I can! Mar 05, 2024 09:54 am
98 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 4402412780 Yes 126 Yes Mar 05, 2024 09:43 am
99 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 4402412780 Yes 126 Yes Mar 05, 2024 09:43 am
100 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 4402412780 Yes 126 Yes Mar 05, 2024 09:43 am
101 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 4402412780 Yes 126 Yes Mar 05, 2024 09:43 am
102 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 4402412780 Yes 126 Yes Mar 05, 2024 09:43 am
103 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 4402412780 Yes 126 Yes Mar 05, 2024 09:43 am
104 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 4402412780 Yes 126 Yes Mar 05, 2024 09:43 am
105 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 4402412780 Yes 126 Yes Mar 05, 2024 09:43 am
106 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 4402412780 Yes 126 Yes Mar 05, 2024 09:43 am
107 Robert M Cain [email protected] Ohio 4402412780 Yes 126 Yes Mar 05, 2024 09:43 am
108 John Lester [email protected] Florida 7542423595 Yes 542 Reverse my diabetes and high blood pressure and loose weight Yes Reverse my diabetes and high blood pressure and loose weight Mar 04, 2024 03:09 pm
109 Vallerie Reddick [email protected] Florida 9049087358 Yes 86 I take metformin have been seen by endocrinologist and Maintaining the weight I am losing Live to 104 yrs of age. At present I am 69 yrs Went from 247 pounds to 198.4 pounds with ozempi I Don't remember what my A1C is. Yes I take metformin have been seen by endocrinologist and Maintaining the weight I am losing Live to 104 yrs of age. At present I am 69 yrs Went from 247 pounds to 198.4 pounds with ozempi I Don't remember what my A1C is. Mar 04, 2024 08:24 am
110 Valleria Reddick [email protected] Florida 9049087358 Yes 96 I am losing weight but I really don't understand this type 2 diabetes nor do I know my A1c average No I am losing weight but I really don't understand this type 2 diabetes nor do I know my A1c average Mar 04, 2024 06:54 am
111 Sally Naughtin [email protected] Florida 6162404214 Yes 6.3 I'm at a lull in loosing weight and want to get it fired up again. Yes I'm at a lull in loosing weight and want to get it fired up again. Mar 03, 2024 02:29 pm
112 Sally Naughtin [email protected] Florida 6162404214 Yes 6.3 I'm at a lull in loosing weight and want to get it fired up again. Yes I'm at a lull in loosing weight and want to get it fired up again. Mar 03, 2024 02:29 pm
113 Claudia Ortega [email protected] Florida 5616289617 Yes I am not sure To find the root of my problem To work on it To be healthy Yes To find the root of my problem To work on it To be healthy Mar 02, 2024 07:58 pm
114 Claudia Ortega [email protected] Florida 5616289617 Yes I'm not sure Finding the root of my problem Working to get it solved To be healthy Yes Finding the root of my problem Working to get it solved To be healthy Mar 02, 2024 07:56 pm
115 Trisha Johnson [email protected] Florida 8137788399 Yes 140 More energy Improve blood sugar and overall health Lose more weight and reduce meds Yes More energy Improve blood sugar and overall health Lose more weight and reduce meds Mar 02, 2024 06:02 pm
116 Charles Buzz Benevente [email protected] Florida 3217202630 Yes 148 Reverse type 11 diabetes Yes Reverse type 11 diabetes Mar 01, 2024 01:17 pm
117 Charles Buzz Benevente [email protected] Florida 3217202630 Yes 148 Reverse type 11 diabetes Yes Reverse type 11 diabetes Mar 01, 2024 01:17 pm
118 Schartess Ansley [email protected] Florida 9048624760 Yes 130 To lower my AIC To come off diabetes meds and to be healthy. Yes To lower my AIC To come off diabetes meds and to be healthy. Mar 01, 2024 01:26 am
119 Lewis Zafrane [email protected] Florida 5618430328 Yes 130 Reverse my type 2 diabetes. Live longer for my kids and grandkids. Enjoy retirement and help others. Yes Reverse my type 2 diabetes. Live longer for my kids and grandkids. Enjoy retirement and help others. Feb 29, 2024 03:47 pm
120 Francine Woolstenhulme [email protected] Florida 4356501350 Yes 190 Too reverse type two diabetes, off medications that makes me feel awful, and stay healthy until it’s time for me to move on!!! Yes Too reverse type two diabetes, off medications that makes me feel awful, and stay healthy until it’s time for me to move on!!! Feb 29, 2024 06:41 am
121 Krystyna [email protected] Florida 7276569491 Yes 180 - Reduce fasting glucose - Lower A1C. I was diagnosed with A1C= 8.5 Righ now = 6.4 - Don't use medication for diabetis control. I prefer to use an email for coresspondence. Yes - Reduce fasting glucose - Lower A1C. I was diagnosed with A1C= 8.5 Righ now = 6.4 - Don't use medication for diabetis control. I prefer to use an email for coresspondence. Feb 29, 2024 06:17 am
122 John Hamilton [email protected] Florida 9047354168 Yes 140 or more 1.Reverse Type 2 Diabetes 2.Lower A12 3.Loose Weight Yes 1.Reverse Type 2 Diabetes 2.Lower A12 3.Loose Weight Feb 29, 2024 12:22 am
123 Teresa Kracher [email protected] Florida 2607107499 Yes 167 1. Find what is broken. 2. Fix it. 3 Balance it out : I am committed to my health. Yes 1. Find what is broken. 2. Fix it. 3 Balance it out : I am committed to my health. Feb 27, 2024 04:16 pm
124 June A Santonastasi [email protected] Florida 9412877735 Yes 300 get blood sugar levels normal No get blood sugar levels normal Feb 26, 2024 05:08 pm
125 June A Santonastasi [email protected] Florida 9412507123 Yes 200 reduce blood sugar level stop medication learn to eat healthy No reduce blood sugar level stop medication learn to eat healthy Feb 26, 2024 05:04 pm
126 Beverly Atkinson [email protected] Florida 9546924455 Yes 115 I would like to lower my A1C Get off Insulin Lose some weight Yes I would like to lower my A1C Get off Insulin Lose some weight Feb 04, 2024 01:33 am
127 Linda Williams [email protected] Florida 9043102965 Yes 128 Diabetes neuropathy and get rid of the Neuropathyweight No Diabetes neuropathy and get rid of the Neuropathyweight Feb 03, 2024 09:15 am
128 Linda Williams [email protected] Florida 9043102965 Yes 128Diabetes Diabetes diabetes my weight is not bad my weight 168 or lower neuropathy Yes Diabetes diabetes my weight is not bad my weight 168 or lower neuropathy Feb 03, 2024 09:10 am
129 Joyce schlener [email protected] Florida 3528074326 Yes ++160 Get blood sugar down get rid of belly fat. Lower a1c Yes Get blood sugar down get rid of belly fat. Lower a1c Feb 01, 2024 03:38 pm
130 Sheila Julien [email protected] Florida 3522725303 Yes 139 Yes Jan 30, 2024 04:26 pm
132 Gladwin Bailey [email protected] Florida 256-990-9394 Yes 105 Getting rid of the Pharmaceutical meds. Using a continueous monitor so i monitor how my body reacts to what i put in it without the many finger sticks Yes Getting rid of the Pharmaceutical meds. Using a continueous monitor so i monitor how my body reacts to what i put in it without the many finger sticks Jan 25, 2024 09:20 am
133 Jack Lewis [email protected] Florida 720-568-0996 No I don't recall Improve kidney health (eGFR value) Ensure my diet is optimal (for my kidney failure in conjunction with the blood thinner I take) Be as healthy as I can possibly be No Improve kidney health (eGFR value) Ensure my diet is optimal (for my kidney failure in conjunction with the blood thinner I take) Be as healthy as I can possibly be Jan 22, 2024 07:28 pm
134 Vicky Black [email protected] Florida 17275140206 Yes 298 not die early find root cause feel good again Yes not die early find root cause feel good again Jan 18, 2024 10:46 am
135 Vicky Lynn Black [email protected] Florida 17275140206 Yes 298 find out which organs are out of Ballance off of meds totally feel great again so i don't have a stroke Yes find out which organs are out of Ballance off of meds totally feel great again so i don't have a stroke Jan 18, 2024 10:40 am
136 Vicky Lynn Black [email protected] Florida 17275140206 Yes 298 normal blood sugar 100 or better feel great again get to the root of my problem with hyperglycemia Yes normal blood sugar 100 or better feel great again get to the root of my problem with hyperglycemia Jan 18, 2024 09:52 am
137 Vicky Lynn Black [email protected] Florida 17275140206 Yes 298 normal blood sugar 100 or better feel great again get to the root of my problem with hyperglycemia Yes normal blood sugar 100 or better feel great again get to the root of my problem with hyperglycemia Jan 18, 2024 09:52 am
138 Rob McCarthy [email protected] Florida 7186628922 Yes 225 Healthy organs Lower A1c Prevent neuropathy Yes Healthy organs Lower A1c Prevent neuropathy Jan 15, 2024 10:19 pm
139 [email protected] [email protected] New York 7186628922 Yes 235 Healthy organs Lower blood sugar/A1c Lose weight Yes Healthy organs Lower blood sugar/A1c Lose weight Jan 15, 2024 09:13 pm
140 Rob McCarthy [email protected] New York 7186628922 Yes 225 Lower blood sugar/A1c Lose weight Healthy organs No Lower blood sugar/A1c Lose weight Healthy organs Jan 15, 2024 09:11 pm
141 Lashanda tucker [email protected] Florida 3866009791 Yes 9 A1c down changing my health life around and keeping it on a straight path so I can get off this medicine Yes A1c down changing my health life around and keeping it on a straight path so I can get off this medicine Jan 15, 2024 04:23 pm
142 Lashanda tucker [email protected] Florida 386609791 Yes 9 A1c the pain I am having in my legs and to understand how to improve my health No A1c the pain I am having in my legs and to understand how to improve my health Jan 15, 2024 04:20 pm
143 Terri Faircloth [email protected] Florida 8507037398 Yes 230 Getting my numbers down lose a little weight.Finding out what I can and cannot eat and drink. No Getting my numbers down lose a little weight.Finding out what I can and cannot eat and drink. Jan 15, 2024 04:18 pm
144 Karen Niles [email protected] Florida 8137609421 Yes 180 Sugar balance, health, long life Yes Sugar balance, health, long life Jan 13, 2024 04:37 pm
145 Karen Niles [email protected] Florida 8137609421 Yes 180 Sugar balance, weight loss, live longer Yes Sugar balance, weight loss, live longer Jan 13, 2024 03:11 pm
146 Steve [email protected] Missouri 5739876555 No 125 Eat less sugar Blood sugar lower Eat healthier No Eat less sugar Blood sugar lower Eat healthier Jan 12, 2024 03:16 am
147 Lori James [email protected] Florida 8133899818 Yes 119 Control blood sugars without medication. Have more energy. Lose weight and maintain a good weight. Yes Control blood sugars without medication. Have more energy. Lose weight and maintain a good weight. Jan 11, 2024 12:22 am
148 Patti Palardis [email protected] Florida 8137856114 No 130...not positive Healthy top priority i have inflamation. Raising 3 grandchildren want to be energetic, keep playing basketball or throwing football. 61yr.. don't want to take metforman 2X per day Heal liver Live life to the fullest!! See grandchildren graduate, have success Yes Healthy top priority i have inflamation. Raising 3 grandchildren want to be energetic, keep playing basketball or throwing football. 61yr.. don't want to take metforman 2X per day Heal liver Live life to the fullest!! See grandchildren graduate, have success Jan 11, 2024 12:21 am
149 Melissa [email protected] Florida 4079227767 Yes 115 lose weight, not be tired and afraid of food, eliminate meds Yes lose weight, not be tired and afraid of food, eliminate meds Jan 09, 2024 11:45 pm
150 William Schuerman [email protected] Florida 7272031733 Yes 150 Lower blood sugar, lose some weight, increase energy No Lower blood sugar, lose some weight, increase energy Jan 09, 2024 11:11 am
151 Shari philman [email protected] Florida 9048620542 Yes 158 How to lower my a1c Learn what foods to eat and not eat What triggers the high blood sugar No How to lower my a1c Learn what foods to eat and not eat What triggers the high blood sugar Jan 08, 2024 11:53 pm
152 Clarazina Graham [email protected] Florida 3862957775 Yes Varies Completely being off drugs. Better weight control management. Acknowledged and increased will power. Yes Completely being off drugs. Better weight control management. Acknowledged and increased will power. Dec 26, 2023 02:55 am
153 Melissa [email protected] Florida 4079225565 Yes 130 get off medicine, lose weight understand my body Yes get off medicine, lose weight understand my body Dec 20, 2023 01:59 am
154 Joan Norville [email protected] Florida 9546461187 Yes 95-120 To be off medication Loose weight Improve my diet Yes To be off medication Loose weight Improve my diet Dec 10, 2023 01:40 am
155 Eric Lochtefeld [email protected] 6503153053 Yes 109 Get off metformin. Currently if I don’t take it I get night sweat. Yes Get off metformin. Currently if I don’t take it I get night sweat. Dec 09, 2023 04:12 am
156 Robert haskins [email protected] Florida 8636047972 Yes 200 plus Get off insulin, meds and get better Yes Get off insulin, meds and get better Dec 09, 2023 03:10 am
157 Robert haskins [email protected] Florida 8636047972 Yes 200 plus Get off insulin, meds and get better Yes Get off insulin, meds and get better Dec 09, 2023 03:05 am
158 Robert haskins [email protected] Florida 8636047972 Yes 200 Get off insulin,meds and get better Yes Get off insulin,meds and get better Dec 09, 2023 03:02 am
159 Yvette Willis [email protected] Florida 3212281233 Yes 931. Stay off 1. Stay off meds 2. Begin a healthy wellness lifestyle at the season of my life 3. Feel and keep moving forward in my wellness Yes 1. Stay off meds 2. Begin a healthy wellness lifestyle at the season of my life 3. Feel and keep moving forward in my wellness Dec 02, 2023 12:40 pm
160 Carlos Jusino [email protected] Florida 9546143475 Yes 170 Reversing my diabetes permanently Learning/educating myself on living healthy & getting off my meds Yes Reversing my diabetes permanently Learning/educating myself on living healthy & getting off my meds Nov 18, 2023 09:44 pm
161 Lynn watts [email protected] Florida 7278310751 Yes 285 plus Lower A1C get rid of diabetes Get into a healthy lifestyle Yes Lower A1C get rid of diabetes Get into a healthy lifestyle Nov 14, 2023 09:44 am
162 Emilia Elena Pourciaux [email protected] Florida 1-813-810-2542 Yes 146.50 1] Get Rid Of/Reverse My Painful Neuropathy 2] Lose Much Weight & Inches 3] Eliminate Diabetes No 1] Get Rid Of/Reverse My Painful Neuropathy 2] Lose Much Weight & Inches 3] Eliminate Diabetes Nov 13, 2023 08:36 pm
163 Evelyn Wimberly [email protected] Florida 7729057333 Yes 126 Maintain lower levels Weight loss Rod the neuropathy No Maintain lower levels Weight loss Rod the neuropathy Nov 10, 2023 04:34 am
164 Dorothy Shaw [email protected] 3035507306 Yes 187 Turn my health around with out insulin injection every day ! My Doctors are not doing anything but treat treat !!! Yes Turn my health around with out insulin injection every day ! My Doctors are not doing anything but treat treat !!! Nov 03, 2023 02:21 am
165 adam S phillips [email protected] Florida 3475451143 Yes Unknown Lose weight no diabetes have more energy No Lose weight no diabetes have more energy Oct 26, 2023 09:36 pm
166 Jeannette Doyel [email protected] Florida 6236930834 Yes 145 Get healthy for grandkids Lose weight Stop fatigue Yes Get healthy for grandkids Lose weight Stop fatigue Oct 25, 2023 04:48 pm
167 Jeannette Doyel [email protected] Florida 62330834 Yes 145 Stay healthy for my grandkids. Lose weight Have more energy Yes Stay healthy for my grandkids. Lose weight Have more energy Oct 25, 2023 04:45 pm
168 Randall Austin [email protected] Florida 19174765871 Yes 7 Anything to help me to reverse it. Yes Anything to help me to reverse it. Oct 24, 2023 11:06 pm
169 lucy moultry [email protected] Florida 8502128215 Yes 120-130 Improve my health loose belly fat. Not have diabetes No Improve my health loose belly fat. Not have diabetes Oct 20, 2023 12:14 pm
170 GLORIA E LUNGER [email protected] South Carolina 15027777220 Yes 171 reverse type2 diabetes/come off diabetes meds weightloss Yes reverse type2 diabetes/come off diabetes meds weightloss Oct 18, 2023 04:01 pm
171 BARBARA RICHARDSON [email protected] Florida 6164371796 Yes 160 Lowering my A1C and blood sugar. Lose weight and get off the medication No Lowering my A1C and blood sugar. Lose weight and get off the medication Oct 15, 2023 05:19 am
172 Jeffrey Alpert [email protected] Florida 9543802513 Yes 135 Lower A1c Reduce risk of related complications More energy Yes Lower A1c Reduce risk of related complications More energy Oct 14, 2023 06:14 pm
173 Beverly Martin [email protected] 2398394661 Yes Uncontrolled on insulin Eliminate inflammation Get off meds Help me go to my grandTreasures graduations and weddings Yes Eliminate inflammation Get off meds Help me go to my grandTreasures graduations and weddings Oct 14, 2023 05:05 am
174 David Zapata [email protected] 5613028990 No 120 to 130 Lower sugar levels to a healthy number Yes Lower sugar levels to a healthy number Oct 13, 2023 11:07 am
175 David Zapata [email protected] 5613028990 No 120-130 Drop sugar levels to a healthy level and prevent any diabetes Yes Drop sugar levels to a healthy level and prevent any diabetes Oct 13, 2023 11:00 am
176 Gwen Northrup [email protected] Florida 9898593420 Yes 227 Find out what is causing my type 2 diabetes. Lose some weight Stop feeling tired Yes Find out what is causing my type 2 diabetes. Lose some weight Stop feeling tired Oct 12, 2023 04:58 pm
177 Deborah Heisley [email protected] Florida 7273480876 Yes 135 Get off medications Improve my overall health Stop the damage from progressing Yes Get off medications Improve my overall health Stop the damage from progressing Oct 12, 2023 04:41 pm
178 Deborah Heisley [email protected] Florida 7273480876 Yes 135 Get off medications Improve overall health Stop damage from occurring or advancing Yes Get off medications Improve overall health Stop damage from occurring or advancing Oct 12, 2023 04:36 pm
179 Deborah Heisley [email protected] Florida 7273480876 Yes 135 Get off medications Improve my health overall Stop the damage from advancing Yes Get off medications Improve my health overall Stop the damage from advancing Oct 12, 2023 04:34 pm
180 Lucy Paulk [email protected] Florida 8133408939 Yes 150 Reverse diabetes Lose weight Improve overall health Yes Reverse diabetes Lose weight Improve overall health Oct 11, 2023 10:37 pm
181 Carrie A titus [email protected] Florida 3523642422 Yes 215 Eating the right foods , lose weight. And sleep better No Eating the right foods , lose weight. And sleep better Oct 01, 2023 03:14 pm
182 CELLESTINA JARVIS [email protected] Florida 8137323404 Yes 10 To decrease the number Eating better Exercise more like I did previously Yes To decrease the number Eating better Exercise more like I did previously Sep 29, 2023 09:25 pm
183 Claudette brown [email protected] 9545019207 Yes 185 My blood sugar and i have neuropathy im really depress sometimes because i cant get my blood sugar under control this morning it was like 175 that crazy No My blood sugar and i have neuropathy im really depress sometimes because i cant get my blood sugar under control this morning it was like 175 that crazy Sep 29, 2023 03:01 pm
184 Patrick Wall [email protected] Florida 4075576334 Yes 160 Reverse diabetes Get off metformin Get off insulin Yes Reverse diabetes Get off metformin Get off insulin Sep 27, 2023 04:01 pm
185 Michelle Poppa [email protected] Florida 8504203945 Yes I don't know I just got diagnosed Learn more on what to do and not to do and what to eat and not to eat Yes Learn more on what to do and not to do and what to eat and not to eat Sep 26, 2023 07:13 pm
186 Sharon L Sobey [email protected] Mississippi 6013811684 Yes 120 Please help me !! I just had stroke I am already changing my life Please help me get better Please I WANT NEED TO CHANGE LIFE 601-371-1684 I had to call me I could not get on webinar PLEASE HELP ME Yes Please help me !! I just had stroke I am already changing my life Please help me get better Please I WANT NEED TO CHANGE LIFE 601-371-1684 I had to call me I could not get on webinar PLEASE HELP ME Sep 26, 2023 05:23 pm
187 Sharon L Sobey [email protected] Mississippi 6013811684 Yes 120 Please help me !! I just had stroke I am already changing my life Please help me get better Please I WANT NEED TO CHANGE LIFE 601-371-1684 I had to call me I could not get on webinar PLEASE HELP ME Yes Please help me !! I just had stroke I am already changing my life Please help me get better Please I WANT NEED TO CHANGE LIFE 601-371-1684 I had to call me I could not get on webinar PLEASE HELP ME Sep 26, 2023 05:23 pm
188 Sharon L Sobey [email protected] Mississippi 6013811684 Yes 120 PLESE HELP ME GET BETTER PLEASE PLEASE Yes PLESE HELP ME GET BETTER PLEASE PLEASE Sep 26, 2023 05:08 pm
189 Pat wall [email protected] Florida 4075576334 Yes 234 No diabetes Lower cholesterol Loose weight Yes No diabetes Lower cholesterol Loose weight Sep 20, 2023 02:32 am
190 Patrick Wall [email protected] Florida 4075576334 Yes 235 Yes Sep 20, 2023 02:29 am
191 Celeste J Lorenzo [email protected] Florida 3866275501 Yes 110 Get off all my meds and rid myself of type 2 diabetes, fix my 4 organs Yes Get off all my meds and rid myself of type 2 diabetes, fix my 4 organs Sep 20, 2023 01:08 am
192 Celeste Lorenzo [email protected] Florida 3866275501 Yes 110 To get rid of my type 2 diabetes and be off all my medications Yes To get rid of my type 2 diabetes and be off all my medications Sep 20, 2023 12:50 am
193 Catherine Wasson [email protected] Florida 7272940254 Yes 200 My diabetes My pain My nerves Yes My diabetes My pain My nerves Sep 20, 2023 12:17 am
194 Gail Robinson [email protected] Florida 35246211 Yes 128 Lower blood sugar Go off medications Lose weight Yes Lower blood sugar Go off medications Lose weight Sep 19, 2023 11:33 pm
195 Gail Robinson [email protected] Florida 35246211 Yes 128 Lower blood sugar Go off medications Lose weight Yes Lower blood sugar Go off medications Lose weight Sep 19, 2023 11:33 pm
196 joseph keulemans [email protected] Florida 9549443540 Yes I don't know I need an eye operation and could not be done I had diabetes 2 what I did not know on the table and was send home again No I need an eye operation and could not be done I had diabetes 2 what I did not know on the table and was send home again Sep 18, 2023 10:18 pm
197 Rachelle Coba [email protected] Florida 3168718268 Yes 120 Get rid of diabetes Feel better Drop weight Yes Get rid of diabetes Feel better Drop weight Sep 18, 2023 04:17 am
198 Rachelle Coba [email protected] Florida 3168718268 Yes 120 Want diabetes gone, Feel better Drop weight Yes Want diabetes gone, Feel better Drop weight Sep 18, 2023 04:13 am
199 Maria Cruz [email protected] 9564512334 Yes 150 Fasting Good reading below 110 Lower A1c to 7 Enjoy my food without worries of sugar spikes No Fasting Good reading below 110 Lower A1c to 7 Enjoy my food without worries of sugar spikes Sep 15, 2023 08:56 pm
200 Loretta Baber [email protected] Florida 9413212704 Yes 140 Regulate Bood sugar, weight, Yes Regulate Bood sugar, weight, Sep 15, 2023 05:22 am
201 Reba Stephanie McCarty [email protected] Florida 7202179229 Yes 115 Get off meditation Lose weight /STOP gaining inspite of healthy diet and exercise Have Hasimotos and no energy/ need to feel alive. Yes Get off meditation Lose weight /STOP gaining inspite of healthy diet and exercise Have Hasimotos and no energy/ need to feel alive. Sep 14, 2023 11:12 pm
202 Douglas Reece [email protected] Florida 561-714-6482 Yes 157 1. Reverse diabetes 2. Get off medication 3. Lose weight and be healthier Yes 1. Reverse diabetes 2. Get off medication 3. Lose weight and be healthier Sep 14, 2023 02:18 pm
203 Douglas Reece [email protected] Florida 561-714-6482 Yes 157 Lose weight, get off meds, and reverse diabetes. Yes Lose weight, get off meds, and reverse diabetes. Sep 14, 2023 02:13 pm
204 Loretta Baber [email protected] Florida 9413212704 Yes 140 Getting off meds and losing weight Yes Getting off meds and losing weight Sep 14, 2023 01:05 pm
205 Ricardo Velazquez [email protected] 3052991698 Yes 151 No Sep 14, 2023 10:37 am
206 Cotrina Carter [email protected] +18507608861 Yes 191 Control my blood sugar Yes Control my blood sugar Sep 14, 2023 04:43 am
207 Rosanne Himpele [email protected] Florida 9542923558 Yes 260 Reduce my C Reactive protein Loose this weight Fix my fatty liver and get feeling back in my extremities and stop being so when I was just prescribed Please hellp me as I am literally losing my Yes Reduce my C Reactive protein Loose this weight Fix my fatty liver and get feeling back in my extremities and stop being so when I was just prescribed Please hellp me as I am literally losing my Sep 14, 2023 03:09 am
208 Rosanne Himpele [email protected] Florida 9542923558 Yes 260 Reduce my C Reactive protein Loose this weight Fix my fatty liver and get feeling back in my extremities and stop being so when I was just prescribed Please hellp me as I am literally losing my Yes Reduce my C Reactive protein Loose this weight Fix my fatty liver and get feeling back in my extremities and stop being so when I was just prescribed Please hellp me as I am literally losing my Sep 14, 2023 03:09 am
209 Cotrina Carter [email protected] +18507608861 Yes 192 Control my blood sugar and eat the right thing and keep it under control No Control my blood sugar and eat the right thing and keep it under control Sep 14, 2023 02:06 am
210 Cotrina Carter [email protected] +18507608861 Yes 192 Control my blood sugar and eat the right thing and keep it under control No Control my blood sugar and eat the right thing and keep it under control Sep 14, 2023 02:06 am
211 Joan Carmilani [email protected] Florida 2019813272 Yes In the 200 right now Was lower Lose weight. Lower blood sugar. Not be diabetic Yes Lose weight. Lower blood sugar. Not be diabetic Sep 09, 2023 09:34 pm
212 Sandi [email protected] Massachusetts 5082596832 Yes 120 Being Healthy Reverse Diabetes Lose weight Yes Being Healthy Reverse Diabetes Lose weight Sep 05, 2023 10:33 pm
213 Ed Clocksin [email protected] Florida 3048862720 Yes 150 Reverse diabetes, lose weight and just be healthier. Yes Reverse diabetes, lose weight and just be healthier. Aug 31, 2023 08:22 pm
214 Ed Clocksin [email protected] Florida 3048862720 Yes 150 Reverse diabetes, lose weight and just be healthier. Yes Reverse diabetes, lose weight and just be healthier. Aug 31, 2023 08:22 pm
215 Ed Clocksin [email protected] Florida 3048862720 Yes 150 I want reverse my diabetes, lose weight and just be healthy. Yes I want reverse my diabetes, lose weight and just be healthy. Aug 31, 2023 08:05 pm
216 Ed Clocksin [email protected] 3048862720 Yes 150 I want to reverse my diabetes, lose weight and just be healthy. Yes I want to reverse my diabetes, lose weight and just be healthy. Aug 31, 2023 07:57 pm
217 Ed Clocksin [email protected] Florida 3048862720 Yes 150 I want to reverse my diabetes, lose weight and just be healthy. Yes I want to reverse my diabetes, lose weight and just be healthy. Aug 31, 2023 07:50 pm
218 test [email protected] Alaska 9990009989 No 89 test No test Aug 31, 2023 12:59 pm
219 Avi Vatsa [email protected] Florida 7279775684 Yes 1000 Yes Aug 31, 2023 12:10 pm
220 test [email protected] Indiana 999999999 Yes test check Yes check Aug 31, 2023 06:34 am
221 Ben Koshy [email protected] California 5877782026 Yes 10 I'm based in Canada and recently diagnosed with Type II. I'm about 60lbs overweight. I stopped drinking soda after my diagnosis. I've been prescribed Metformin and Lantus (doc hopes to wean me off insulin and transition to a semiglutide like Ozempic after 3-6 months if I can get my sugars down) No I'm based in Canada and recently diagnosed with Type II. I'm about 60lbs overweight. I stopped drinking soda after my diagnosis. I've been prescribed Metformin and Lantus (doc hopes to wean me off insulin and transition to a semiglutide like Ozempic after 3-6 months if I can get my sugars down) Aug 30, 2023 04:49 pm
222 Stephanie Woodward [email protected] Florida +14073467575 Yes 230 Diabetes weight health Yes Diabetes weight health Aug 30, 2023 02:20 pm
223 Debbie Fortner [email protected] Florida 4073120020 Yes 130 Reversing Type 2 Diabetes. No Reversing Type 2 Diabetes. Aug 24, 2023 07:15 pm
224 Martin Cody [email protected] Tennessee 5126575300 Yes 130 - 103 Understanding options - out of state (TN) 1 - urine, blood, stool... testing, 2 - testing costs, 3 - typical ongoing budget spend to resolve. Yes Understanding options - out of state (TN) 1 - urine, blood, stool... testing, 2 - testing costs, 3 - typical ongoing budget spend to resolve. Aug 24, 2023 06:39 pm
225 Marvin Stinson [email protected] Florida +18137355866 Yes [email protected] Lower my A1c. Improve my energy. Check my eyes. Just getting better. Yes Lower my A1c. Improve my energy. Check my eyes. Just getting better. Aug 21, 2023 02:37 pm
226 Rogelio Lacuesta Caculitan [email protected] Florida 8635085904 Yes My average fasting blood sugar is 140 mg/DL Goals: 1. To bring down my fasting blood sugar to below 100 mg/DL in one month. 2. To bring down my a1c to below 7.0 % in three months. 3. To maintain the above levels for the rest of my life. I am currently 81 years old. I currently have fasting blood sugar of 150 mg/DL and a1c of 12.0 %. No Goals: 1. To bring down my fasting blood sugar to below 100 mg/DL in one month. 2. To bring down my a1c to below 7.0 % in three months. 3. To maintain the above levels for the rest of my life. I am currently 81 years old. I currently have fasting blood sugar of 150 mg/DL and a1c of 12.0 %. Aug 20, 2023 06:09 pm
227 Judith Sterling [email protected] Florida 321-458-0832 Yes 129 Lower A1C ,lose weight,help thyroid, gain energy, get off meds No Lower A1C ,lose weight,help thyroid, gain energy, get off meds Aug 18, 2023 03:56 pm
228 Doris [email protected] Florida 7279453067 Yes Don't know I don't take it because the needle hurts to bad but when I go to the doctor office it be high between 200 are 150 To get rid of this pain so I can live a normal life again get to the root of my problem instead of all this meds I am taking hope you can help doc No To get rid of this pain so I can live a normal life again get to the root of my problem instead of all this meds I am taking hope you can help doc Aug 18, 2023 07:28 am
229 LALY SWAIN [email protected] Florida 3865062240 Yes pre diabetes 104 diet exercisedont be a diabetic person Yes diet exercisedont be a diabetic person Aug 17, 2023 09:52 pm
230 LALY C SWAIN [email protected] Florida 3865062240 Yes I was diagnosed prediabetes Diet Im really confused about what is good and what not. Exercise Avoid to be diabetic person Yes Diet Im really confused about what is good and what not. Exercise Avoid to be diabetic person Aug 17, 2023 09:47 pm
231 Evangeline Ilao [email protected] 8505019981 Yes 135 I want to be diabetes free ! Go you accept WellCare insurance? Yes I want to be diabetes free ! Go you accept WellCare insurance? Aug 17, 2023 03:49 am
232 Rebecca Brown [email protected] Florida 4077447728 Yes 120 To discover which of my organ(s) are not functioning properly. To lose weight as.a result of addressing and treatment of the same Finally, to achieve a state of wellness that enables me to enjoy my family and prevent becoming a burden to them. Yes To discover which of my organ(s) are not functioning properly. To lose weight as.a result of addressing and treatment of the same Finally, to achieve a state of wellness that enables me to enjoy my family and prevent becoming a burden to them. Aug 16, 2023 11:02 pm
233 nalda Jeffers [email protected] 9142249854 Yes 6.80 To low my A1C. This November will be fourteen years that I was diagnosed as a Diabetic and No medication. Yes To low my A1C. This November will be fourteen years that I was diagnosed as a Diabetic and No medication. Aug 16, 2023 10:49 pm
234 John Gantt [email protected] Virginia 3343435019 Yes 120 to 130 Get off insulin Get off insulin Get off insulin No Get off insulin Get off insulin Get off insulin Aug 16, 2023 12:36 pm
235 Kathy Cowden [email protected] Florida 4072307473 Yes 103 Lose 40 pounds Yes Lose 40 pounds Aug 16, 2023 01:23 am
236 Pamela Martin [email protected] Florida 2282491770 Yes 102 Yes Aug 15, 2023 09:52 pm
237 Timothy Roberts [email protected] Florida 9042377754 Yes 365 to 425 Lower blood sugar Yes Lower blood sugar Aug 15, 2023 08:23 pm
238 Kathryn “Kathie” Tilley [email protected] Florida 8132152774 No Unjnown Cholesterol Concern about the overall balance within body functions. Concern because of on/off illnesses this year. Yes Cholesterol Concern about the overall balance within body functions. Concern because of on/off illnesses this year. Aug 15, 2023 08:20 pm
239 Kathleen Frederick [email protected] Maryland 4104460111 Yes 300 Reduce A1C and controlled glucose overall reverse and diet controlled Yes Reduce A1C and controlled glucose overall reverse and diet controlled Aug 15, 2023 07:17 pm
240 Kathleen Frederick [email protected] Maryland 4104460111 Yes 300 Reduce A1C and controlled glucose overall reverse and diet controlled Yes Reduce A1C and controlled glucose overall reverse and diet controlled Aug 15, 2023 07:17 pm
241 barbie corbar [email protected] Florida 7868596946 Yes 6’0 A1C lower I go from 8-5 up. And down No A1C lower I go from 8-5 up. And down Aug 15, 2023 06:44 pm
242 Ángela Clarke-Glasper [email protected] Florida 9048019433 Yes 7 Get off my meds Yes Get off my meds Aug 15, 2023 08:14 am
243 Ángela Clarke-Glasper [email protected] Florida 9048019433 Yes 7 Get off my meds Yes Get off my meds Aug 15, 2023 08:14 am
244 Denna Ellison [email protected] Florida 5618064160 Yes Don’t know Lose Weight Lower A1C No Lose Weight Lower A1C Aug 14, 2023 07:55 pm
245 Silvia Thompson [email protected] Florida 7188028110 Yes 125 Reverse Diabetes, Reverse Diabetes, Reverse Diabetes, Doc I have an appointment with for Aug. 23 what should I do in the meantime? Yes Reverse Diabetes, Reverse Diabetes, Reverse Diabetes, Doc I have an appointment with for Aug. 23 what should I do in the meantime? Aug 11, 2023 09:38 pm
246 NEVLIN DENNISON [email protected] Florida 9547321001 Yes 89 Get rid of diabetes forever No Get rid of diabetes forever Aug 10, 2023 01:47 am
247 Hussain Fayiz [email protected] 8134062045 Yes 96 To reverse my type 2 Diabetes, lower my A1c, to come off metformin. Currently A1c is 6.1 Yes To reverse my type 2 Diabetes, lower my A1c, to come off metformin. Currently A1c is 6.1 Aug 09, 2023 03:59 pm
248 Malorie Warren [email protected] Alabama 8504994164 Yes ? Loose weight Not be a diabetic anymore Help heal my body Yes Loose weight Not be a diabetic anymore Help heal my body Aug 08, 2023 12:43 am
249 Malorie Warren [email protected] Alabama 8504994164 Yes ?? Not to be a diabetic anymore Yes Not to be a diabetic anymore Aug 08, 2023 12:40 am
250 Kathy Brown [email protected] Florida 1177235361 Yes 120"s get off metformin Lose weight feel less tired Yes get off metformin Lose weight feel less tired Aug 07, 2023 08:38 pm
251 Cohen Lorrie [email protected] Florida 9736324477 Yes 145 Lose weight Find and correct the cause of my diabetes Become healthier Yes Lose weight Find and correct the cause of my diabetes Become healthier Aug 04, 2023 01:01 pm
252 Cohen Lorrie [email protected] Florida 9736324477 Yes 145 Lose weight Find and correct the cause of my diabetes Become healthier Yes Lose weight Find and correct the cause of my diabetes Become healthier Aug 04, 2023 01:01 pm
253 Cohen Lorrie [email protected] Florida 9736324477 Yes 145 Lose weight Find and correct the cause of my diabetes Become healthier Yes Lose weight Find and correct the cause of my diabetes Become healthier Aug 04, 2023 01:01 pm
254 Cynthia LaDow [email protected] Florida 5747210700 Yes 130 plus Getting BS under control More energy Pain relief No Getting BS under control More energy Pain relief Aug 04, 2023 03:14 am
255 Jonathan Spages [email protected] Florida 9739807887 Yes 100 reverse, Yes reverse, Aug 02, 2023 06:09 pm
256 Jonathan Spages [email protected] Florida 9739807887 Yes 100-1000 jojo Yes jojo Aug 02, 2023 05:56 pm
257 test [email protected] Illinois 7272169634 Yes 100-1000 diet, lose weight, eat nala No diet, lose weight, eat nala Aug 02, 2023 05:47 pm
258 test [email protected] Florida 7272169634 Yes 100-1000 blood sugar , meds - happy No blood sugar , meds - happy Aug 02, 2023 05:41 pm
259 Judith May [email protected] Florida Yes Insulin, Not sure about Fasting Blood Sugar Peeing constantly (diapers) Reverse Type 2 diabetes Lose weight Yes Peeing constantly (diapers) Reverse Type 2 diabetes Lose weight Aug 01, 2023 05:35 pm
260 Ernestine Sykes [email protected] Georgia Yes 150 High blood sugar, pain in the lower back Yes High blood sugar, pain in the lower back Aug 01, 2023 02:32 pm
261 Freddie [email protected] Florida Yes 200 What neuropathy Fasting blood sugar 200 or more Tiredness Yes What neuropathy Fasting blood sugar 200 or more Tiredness Jul 29, 2023 04:40 pm
262 Andrew Rabinovich [email protected] Florida Yes 125 Neuropathy, Fatigue, Weakness Yes Neuropathy, Fatigue, Weakness Jul 28, 2023 01:41 am
263 Roger caculitan [email protected] Florida Yes 152 High blood sugar Yes High blood sugar Jul 27, 2023 01:31 pm
264 Roger Caculitan [email protected] Florida Yes 150 High blood sugar Yes High blood sugar Jul 27, 2023 01:28 pm
265 Virginia Darrisaw [email protected] Florida Yes 142 Yes Jul 26, 2023 06:30 pm
266 Gary Sheradsky [email protected] Florida Yes 6.4 Everything. I’m tired. Worried about cognition, memory, physically low energy, sleep issues Yes Everything. I’m tired. Worried about cognition, memory, physically low energy, sleep issues Jul 26, 2023 12:24 pm
267 Pamela [email protected] Michigan Yes 120 Feel more Energy Better diet Learn what exercises to do. Yes Feel more Energy Better diet Learn what exercises to do. Jul 26, 2023 03:58 am
268 Kathy White [email protected] Maine Yes 200 High sugar/a1c, neropathy,weight gain Yes High sugar/a1c, neropathy,weight gain Jul 25, 2023 09:30 pm
269 Margie K Cody [email protected] Florida Yes 140/60 Control swelling (fluid retention) Maintain A1C Improve energy level Yes Control swelling (fluid retention) Maintain A1C Improve energy level Jul 13, 2023 05:56 pm
270 Stephen [email protected] California Yes 140 insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes Yes insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes Jul 12, 2023 06:24 pm
271 Ollie McCloud [email protected] Florida Yes 238 Get off insulin Loss weight Stop craving Yes Get off insulin Loss weight Stop craving Jul 12, 2023 02:12 pm
272 Donna Hurwitz [email protected] Yes 125 get off insulin lost weight lack of energy Yes get off insulin lost weight lack of energy Jul 12, 2023 12:39 am
273 Rhonda Bryant [email protected] Texas Yes 180 Neuropathy High Sugar Fatigue Yes Neuropathy High Sugar Fatigue Jul 11, 2023 11:13 pm
274 Nick Mazzarella [email protected] Florida Yes 180 Normalize blood sugar Get rid of diabetes medicine Loss weight Yes Normalize blood sugar Get rid of diabetes medicine Loss weight Jul 11, 2023 10:49 pm
275 Sidney Schofield [email protected] Florida Yes 99 High blood sugar Yes High blood sugar Jul 11, 2023 01:42 am
276 Pecolia Fitts [email protected] Florida Yes 120 I need to sleep regularly. Also I have itching of body and eyes usually the allergy season is over for me in May but not this year I still have it. Yes I need to sleep regularly. Also I have itching of body and eyes usually the allergy season is over for me in May but not this year I still have it. Jul 10, 2023 09:46 am
277 Joseph George [email protected] Iowa Yes 341 few Yes few Jul 06, 2023 09:52 pm
278 Michael Ottman [email protected] Florida Yes 190 nueropathy pain - numbness and tingling in the feet or hands. Yes nueropathy pain - numbness and tingling in the feet or hands. Jul 06, 2023 12:42 pm
279 Cindy Totty [email protected] Florida No 100-127 I would like to learn more about normalizing my blood sugar levels and keeping normal. No I would like to learn more about normalizing my blood sugar levels and keeping normal. Jun 30, 2023 01:35 am
280 April Byrd [email protected] North Carolina Yes 150 Weight loss Lower blood sugar/a1c Yes Weight loss Lower blood sugar/a1c Jun 26, 2023 08:05 pm
281 Angelita Cochran [email protected] Florida Yes 108 Lower blood sugar levels, blood pressure numbers and kidney improvement. No Lower blood sugar levels, blood pressure numbers and kidney improvement. Jun 23, 2023 06:34 pm
282 Christine [email protected] Florida Yes 136 Lose weight Yes Lose weight Jun 15, 2023 12:20 am
283 Patricia [email protected] New York Yes 245 Yes Jun 13, 2023 11:37 pm
284 Silvia Thompson [email protected] Florida Yes Not sure Low/high blood sugar, get off metformin, neuropathy,sugar craving Yes Low/high blood sugar, get off metformin, neuropathy,sugar craving Jun 12, 2023 12:18 pm
285 Michele Herboldt [email protected] Florida Yes 350 Neuropathy No Neuropathy Jun 10, 2023 12:31 pm
286 Michele Herboldt [email protected] Florida Yes 350 Neuropathy No Neuropathy Jun 10, 2023 12:31 pm
287 Michael Coleman [email protected] Florida Yes 140 to 180 tiredness, chest discomfort, basically beter health all around. A1c around 8 Yes tiredness, chest discomfort, basically beter health all around. A1c around 8 Jun 06, 2023 09:02 pm
288 Linda Timmons [email protected] Florida Yes I don't know. I have not been told to check my blood sugar every day. That is part of the reason I need your help . cure diabetes; lose weight; feel good again Yes cure diabetes; lose weight; feel good again Jun 04, 2023 11:32 pm
289 Kathie Laura [email protected] Florida Yes 110 Feel better...more energy Get off my unnecessary meds Lose weight Yes Feel better...more energy Get off my unnecessary meds Lose weight Jun 03, 2023 09:50 pm
290 David v nigro [email protected] Florida Yes Above 200 Fatty liver sugar lose weight Yes Fatty liver sugar lose weight Jun 03, 2023 07:24 pm
291 THOMAS Skaggs [email protected] Florida Yes 125 Blood sugar &neuropathy Yes Blood sugar &neuropathy Jun 01, 2023 04:17 pm
292 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 100 I want to completely rid myself of the disease! Yes I want to completely rid myself of the disease! May 29, 2023 11:55 pm
293 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 100 I want to completely rid myself of the disease! Yes I want to completely rid myself of the disease! May 29, 2023 11:55 pm
294 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 100 I want to completely rid myself of the disease! Yes I want to completely rid myself of the disease! May 29, 2023 11:55 pm
295 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 81 Weight gain, balance my insulin, drop the diabetes. Yes Weight gain, balance my insulin, drop the diabetes. May 29, 2023 11:50 pm
296 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 81 Weight gain, balance my insulin, drop the diabetes. Yes Weight gain, balance my insulin, drop the diabetes. May 29, 2023 11:50 pm
297 Anilkumar Patel [email protected] Ohio Yes 145 Lowering number Improvement health Decreasing inflation Yes Lowering number Improvement health Decreasing inflation May 19, 2023 11:04 pm
298 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 113 this morning Keep my sugar numbers at great range. Yes Keep my sugar numbers at great range. May 17, 2023 05:18 pm
299 Brenda. David [email protected] Florida Yes 113 this morning Good glucose levels. More control of my legs, and eye sight. Yes Good glucose levels. More control of my legs, and eye sight. May 17, 2023 04:47 pm
300 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes This morning 113 before breakfast. Keep my weight down, and manage my sugar. Yes Keep my weight down, and manage my sugar. May 17, 2023 03:51 pm
301 Brenda. David [email protected] Florida Yes 150 Wondering why my blood sugar can be good, then out of nowhere it can spike. My husband gets upset with me. I didn’t eat anything bad. Yes Wondering why my blood sugar can be good, then out of nowhere it can spike. My husband gets upset with me. I didn’t eat anything bad. May 12, 2023 02:47 pm
302 Brenda. David [email protected] Florida Yes 150 Wondering why my blood sugar can be good, then out of nowhere it can spike. My husband gets upset with me. I didn’t eat anything bad. Yes Wondering why my blood sugar can be good, then out of nowhere it can spike. My husband gets upset with me. I didn’t eat anything bad. May 12, 2023 02:47 pm
303 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 150 Weight gain. Many others Yes Weight gain. Many others May 12, 2023 02:35 pm
304 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 150 Weight gain. Many others Yes Weight gain. Many others May 12, 2023 02:35 pm
305 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 150 Weight gain. Many others Yes Weight gain. Many others May 12, 2023 02:35 pm
306 Kahleia [email protected] Florida Yes 401 Weight loss Lower sugar Off medication Yes Weight loss Lower sugar Off medication May 10, 2023 02:55 pm
307 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 150 Wright gain, tiredness, up, and downs of my numbers. The numbers can spike, then my husband will think I’ve cheated on my eating. I get so frustrated! I’ve changed many of my food, and drinks. Can you tell me why such a change? Yes Wright gain, tiredness, up, and downs of my numbers. The numbers can spike, then my husband will think I’ve cheated on my eating. I get so frustrated! I’ve changed many of my food, and drinks. Can you tell me why such a change? May 10, 2023 02:12 pm
308 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 150 Weight gain, tired, depression, Yes Weight gain, tired, depression, May 10, 2023 02:02 pm
309 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 150 Weight gain, tired, depression, Yes Weight gain, tired, depression, May 10, 2023 02:01 pm
310 Cheryl marcus [email protected] Florida Yes 120- 146 Get numbers where they should be No Get numbers where they should be May 05, 2023 01:41 am
311 Brenda David [email protected] Florida Yes 100 Hi sugar spikes. Wright gain. Sweet cravings. Yes Hi sugar spikes. Wright gain. Sweet cravings. May 04, 2023 08:48 pm
312 Clyde Whyte [email protected] Florida Yes 160 Weight gain Energy insomnia Yes Weight gain Energy insomnia May 04, 2023 03:50 pm
313 Donald Kees [email protected] Florida Yes 160 + Lower my sugar numbers (probably high because of pain) More energy Be able to sleep Yes Lower my sugar numbers (probably high because of pain) More energy Be able to sleep May 03, 2023 10:56 pm
314 Debbie Williams [email protected] Georgia Yes I don't know All that he talked about last night Yes All that he talked about last night May 03, 2023 10:21 pm
315 Donna S Welch [email protected] Florida Yes 112 loose weight 30 lb Yes loose weight 30 lb Apr 23, 2023 03:50 pm
316 gina erickson [email protected] Florida Yes 150 suger ,neuropaty,cholesterol Yes suger ,neuropaty,cholesterol Apr 18, 2023 12:54 pm
317 grazyna erickson [email protected] Florida No 104 stabolize surger stabolize cholesterol stabolize blood pressure No stabolize surger stabolize cholesterol stabolize blood pressure Apr 17, 2023 05:07 pm
318 Beverly Krautkramer [email protected] Wisconsin Yes 175 lower blood sugar levels take less medication Yes lower blood sugar levels take less medication Apr 14, 2023 02:33 am
319 Shawn [email protected] Pennsylvania Yes 175 Weight gain Constipation Lower blood sugar No Weight gain Constipation Lower blood sugar Apr 12, 2023 09:51 pm
320 Carl Lesley Robertson [email protected] Florida Yes 145 I want a normal blood sugar Blood pressure Loose weight Yes I want a normal blood sugar Blood pressure Loose weight Apr 12, 2023 03:23 pm
321 Mary Doster [email protected] Yes 130 Get off medication Release stress Stop craving sweet drinks Yes Get off medication Release stress Stop craving sweet drinks Apr 12, 2023 12:45 am
322 Mary Doster [email protected] Florida Yes 130 Get off medication Release stress Not to crave for sweets Yes Get off medication Release stress Not to crave for sweets Apr 12, 2023 12:33 am
323 Denise L Sherrod [email protected] Florida Yes 130 Healthy Blood Sugar Range Lower A1C back down for 6.4 to 5.2 Lose 10lbs No Healthy Blood Sugar Range Lower A1C back down for 6.4 to 5.2 Lose 10lbs Apr 11, 2023 09:06 pm
324 Kathie VanDeraa [email protected] Montana Yes 145 Fatigue, confusion, memory issues. The answer to the previous question should be no. It automatically filled in a date. So many videos and webinars making so many promises! At the end there are expensive products to buy with no guarantee. What makes this one different? No Fatigue, confusion, memory issues. The answer to the previous question should be no. It automatically filled in a date. So many videos and webinars making so many promises! At the end there are expensive products to buy with no guarantee. What makes this one different? Apr 11, 2023 01:07 pm
325 Susan [email protected] Minnesota Yes 120 Neuropathy Brain fog Tinnitus Yes Neuropathy Brain fog Tinnitus Apr 09, 2023 04:18 am
326 Rosemary Smith [email protected] Florida Yes 174 it very I am not sure what date, but it was in March No I am not sure what date, but it was in March Mar 27, 2023 06:35 pm
327 Leslie Ladin Martin [email protected] Florida Yes 6.7 Insulin off meds Sleep better Lose weight Yes Insulin off meds Sleep better Lose weight Mar 19, 2023 09:36 pm
328 Leslie Ladin Martin [email protected] Florida Yes 6.7 Insulin off meds Sleep better Lose weight Yes Insulin off meds Sleep better Lose weight Mar 19, 2023 09:36 pm
329 Jasmine [email protected] New Jersey Yes Forgot High blood pressure,Diabetes and weight Yes High blood pressure,Diabetes and weight Mar 19, 2023 01:27 am
330 Eduardo Delgado [email protected] Florida Yes 153 Yes Mar 17, 2023 10:30 pm
331 Jeanne [email protected] Indiana Yes 110-120 Weight, blood sugars under 100, have more energy. Yes Weight, blood sugars under 100, have more energy. Mar 10, 2023 06:41 am
332 Ernesto Ceja [email protected] Yes 150 Blood sugar levels by eating correctly Yes Blood sugar levels by eating correctly Feb 14, 2023 07:27 pm
333 Anthony dendy [email protected] Florida Yes 350_170 Sugar control Yes Sugar control Jan 24, 2023 04:46 pm
334 Anthony dendy [email protected] Florida Yes 350_170 Sugar control Yes Sugar control Jan 24, 2023 04:46 pm
335 Avvi [email protected] Alabama Yes 100 Yes Jan 16, 2023 01:33 pm
336 avi [email protected] Alaska Yes 1000 Yes Jan 16, 2023 01:32 pm
337 avi [email protected] Alaska Yes 1000 Yes Jan 16, 2023 01:32 pm
338 avi [email protected] Alaska Yes 1000 Yes Jan 16, 2023 01:32 pm
339 avi [email protected] Alaska Yes 1000 Yes Jan 16, 2023 01:32 pm
340 avi [email protected] Alaska Yes average Yes Jan 16, 2023 01:32 pm