Normal Blood Sugar Levels – Everything You Should Know

Do you want to know? The most confusing thing I hear almost daily from most diabetics is what is normal blood sugar levels? So in this video, what I’m going to be doing is going over why the confusion is going on with blood sugar levels. What should your blood sugar level be and why is all the confusion? Right?

Because there’s so many people, even in a webinar, when I have 2300 people there, I ask the question, well, what is normal, healthy blood sugar? Some people say it’s 60 to 120. Other people say it’s 70 to 110. And their numbers are all over the place. So I am going to go over the confusion and also kind of give you some more insight on looking at blood sugar levels and also some really good advice on knowing how to actually judge and see how your blood sugar levels are doing.

When we look at blood sugar levels, let’s talk about why there’s a confusion. Okay, so let me share my screen with you, and you’re going to understand more about this in a second. All right, so what I did was I went to the LabCorp page. LabCorp is one of the largest labs in the country. We use them all the time.

And I’ve been using them for thousands and thousands of patients. So what I did was I went and I looked at what glucose could possibly be, right? Like where should glucose ranges be. And if you scroll down here and I’m going to go down to this area here where it says Fasting blood glucose. It says normal fasting is 70 to 99.

Okay. It says Prediabetes is 100 to 125. And then diabetes is over 126. And that’s also within a one C. And if you’re new to this, a one C is a long term range for blood sugar levels.

So okay, so here we go. So here’s the information we’re looking at, right? So this lab course says 70 to 99. Now what we’re going to do is we’re going to hop over to a different lab. This is called Quest Diagnostics, and Quest says it is 65 to 99.

Wait a second. What is going on? Right, so we’re looking at fasting numbers, and that means that you haven’t eaten food about 8 hours prior to doing the lab when you do your blood work. Okay, so what is the confusion? Why is one lab saying one thing and another lab saying something completely different?

Right? It sounds like these labs, they’re sophisticated. They have doctors that obviously work with them, and there are scientists that work in these labs. What’s the discrepancy? Well, first off, let’s look really closely at this page.

If you look here, it says, surface areas must be determined. Well, what the heck does that mean? Well, it’s kind of interesting when we look at labs, like, LabCorp has regional areas northeast, southeast, right? When my practice was in New Jersey, they used the northeast region and when it was in Florida and now it’s in Florida, there’s a different laborator that works there. Well, believe it or not, blood testing changes from area to area.

And the range that you see right here, that’s 65 to 99. Or we go back over here from 70 to 99 doesn’t mean it’s healthy. It doesn’t mean that that is where someone should actually be. Now, I practice something called functional medicine. And in functional medicine, we want to look at the proper function of where someone’s body should be functioning.

So let me give you an analogy. Let’s say we look at a car tire. Well, there is the right amount of inflation you need for a car tire, right? Whatever that is, whatever PSI that is, that’s the way we would measure that. Now a car tire should be exactly there for it to ride optimally.

Now it could be deflated a little bit and it could also be completely flat. So in functional medicine, my job is to look and figure out how we get a person back to functioning, getting the inflation back to this tire and this analogy, this is why there’s a discrepancy. So let’s talk about what actually you should be at. When we look at fasting glucose, it should be between 85 and 99. That is where it should be.

Now let me give you another example to understanding how important blood sugar levels are. So where a human being’s blood sugar should be is kind of what is comfortable in going into a shower, right? So if you go to a shower, the water temperature about 85 to 99 is probably where most people wind up taking a shower. Now a hot tub is usually around 104. So you could imagine like if someone’s blood sugar levels are going in the 120s or 150s or 200s, it would be like jumping into a shower with the temperature being so high you would like burn your skin.

It would not be what you want to do. So you really want to work on keeping your especially fasting blood sugar between 85 and 99. Now obviously after you eat food, your blood sugar level may go up. Okay? So now let’s talk about the next little tip and trick that I do recommend that I think could help you or anybody else who has blood sugar issues.

So I’m going to give you a quick scenario from the time I’m filming this video. A few weeks earlier was my birthday. And my wife knows that I love carrots cake, right? That’s one of my favorite things I like eating. So she got me a really awesome cower cake.

Now it was a gluten free cower cake and her familiar with glue in it glue and raise the blood sugar levels in most people. So I had a gluten free cower cake. It definitely had sugar in it. I had icing, things like that. And it was done the most healthy way we could make that happen.

We went to a very special bakery that only cooks kind of like healthier foods. And I got something called a continuous glucose monitor. And what these are is basically these are these monitors that you put on your arm. And what it does is it tracks your blood sugar and usually increments every 15 or 20 minutes. And it’s really cool.

You grab your phone, you download an app. Right? Now, mine’s on my arm, but you put it to the arm and it tells you kind of how things are looking. So you can see here on this little chart here on the website. Now, when you watch this, they may change their website, they may update it, but it kind of gives you where your ranges are, okay?

So it’s really good because they can kind of see how your body reacts and how your blood sugar fluctuates. So anyway, long story short, so I eat this cake, right, and so forth, and my blood sugar level goes up about 25 points. Now because I’m not a diabetic. And my blood sugar levels and things are functioning, it came right back down pretty quickly. So that is the birthday cake.

Now, let’s talk about what happened. About a day later, my wife decides to get really good high quality chips. They’re called siete chips. They’re really high quality, but they’re made of cassava flour. Now, most people eat cassava flour, and everything’s fine.

So I had a few of the chips. It completely annihilated. It made my blood sugar level jack up way high, almost over 100 points from cassava chips. Now, I know what you’re probably wondering, right, if I was to go do a survey, and I was to ask two different groups of people, well, which is going to raise blood sugar levels more, the cassava chips or a birthday cake? Well, I think nine out of ten people or 90 out of 100 people are going to say the birthday cake not for me.

And why I’m bringing this up is I found these to be very useful. They’re not the most accurate, and I always recommend double checking with the glucomiter that you may be using, but they are really helpful so you can see how your body reacts to certain foods. So not everybody reacts to cassava chips. Not everybody reacts to carrot cake. My point is, the best way to know is to actually check.

So these are not necessarily cheap. They could be up to about $200 per month that you use this. And the way it works, you throw it on your arm, you kind of see a picture here. It’s a little white device, but you put this little cover over it in case you hop into the water or you go into a shower. And it lasts for about two weeks.

And then in a one month supply, usually get two of them, and you just replace. They don’t get infections. It’s a really cool device, but like I said, they’re not cheap. Now, it’s kind of weird how it works. If you’re on insulin, sometimes your insurance will cover it, but if you’re not, they don’t cover it, right?

So it’s kind of weird. It’s kind of like they reward you if you’re sicker. It doesn’t make sense. But anyway, so what I did was I teamed up with these guys and I said, all right, listen, is there anything you can do for people who work with me or follow me or they get courses from me or they’re a patient of mine and is there anything we can do to help them? So what they did was they gave me a special code to use and it’s a discount code for $25.

Now, here’s the way I would suggest using this. If this is not something you’re going to be doing long term, then I recommend trying it for one month, getting the discount code. And that discount code is right here on the bottom. So it’s DRJ. So Dr.

J. Spagges 25. So you’re going to apply that code and there’s a link below that you’re going to click and you click that link, you put this little code in when you’re checking out and you’ll get that code and you’ll get the discount. So anyway, as I was saying, if you’re going to use it for about a month, I think it makes a lot of sense to really look and test certain foods, right? Check to see if you react to apples or mangoes or whatever.

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