Diet Analysis


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Dr Spages Diet Analysis Coaching Program

Watch This Short Video To Learn What The Diet Analysis Program Is About.


Confused about what to eat as a diabetic?

Are you not losing any weight even with a clean diet?

Frustrated? Disappointed?

Dr. Spages is here to help you with his Diet Analysis Program!

In the Diet Analysis Program, all you have to do is:


Diet Is Might!

It is not a guarantee that something will suit you just because it’s healthy. You’re unique and so is your diet requirement. 


If you don’t eat right, you can open doors to various health problems such as Diabetes, obesity, thyroid, gastric issues and more! 


When an expert guides us on what to eat, we not only start eating clean, but we help our body in becoming its best self. So don’t eat something just because it’s in fashion. Don’t follow a trend without knowing if it will really help your health. 


Get expert advice and design the RIGHT kind of diet that will help you beat diabetes and manage your weight.

Join the Diet Analysis Program today!

This offer is available only here at this price for a limited time. You will not see this offer once you close this page.

7 Days Program

$ 29
  • Access to Healthie
  • Upload 21 Meals
  • Get Recommendations and Coaching on 21 Meals By Dr Spages and his team

14 Days Program

$ 49
  • Access to Healthie
  • Upload 108 Meals
  • Get Recommendations and Coaching on 108 Meals By Dr Spages and his team
  • Access to Private FB Group

30 Days Program

$ 79
  • Access to Healthie
  • Upload 210 Meals
  • Get Recommendations and Coaching on 210 Meals By Dr Spages and his team
  • Access to Private FB Group
  • 1 on 1 Tele Consultation With Dr Spages (Value $500)





We really want to concentrate on each person’s diet who registers for the program. This is why we can accommodate only limited people in the program. The program will be unavailable to you once seats are sold out.

As seen on

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Success Stories & Testimonials

Meet Dr. Jonathan Spages:

A specialist in weight loss and natural diabetes reversal, Dr. Spages uses his functional medicine approach and combines it with nutritional and natural methods to help his patients heal naturally. 


With 20+ years of experience, his clientele ranges from bigshots such as professional athletes, government officials, attorneys, medical doctors, high-level executives, TV and Movie personalities to mothers, teachers, nurses, and professors. He is the author of The Wellness Approach “The Secrets to Health Your Doctor is Afraid to Tell You”.


Dr. Spages has trained chiropractors, physicians and allied healthcare practitioners in his unique methods and to date, he has helped over 10,000 patients. 

Join the Diet Analysis Program today!

This offer is available only here at this price for a limited time. You will not see this offer once you close this page.

7 Days Program

$ 29
  • Access to Healthie
  • Upload 21 Meals
  • Get Recommendations and Coaching on 21 Meals By Dr Spages and his team

14 Days Program

$ 49
  • Access to Healthie
  • Upload 108 Meals
  • Get Recommendations and Coaching on 108 Meals By Dr Spages and his team
  • Access to Private FB Group

30 Days Program

$ 79
  • Access to Healthie
  • Upload 210 Meals
  • Get Recommendations and Coaching on 210 Meals By Dr Spages and his team
  • Access to Private FB Group
  • 1 on 1 Tele Consultation With Dr Spages (Value $500)